use cloudflare_soos as soos; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process; fn usage() -> ! { eprintln!("usage: {} image.jpg", env::args().next().as_deref().unwrap_or("chop")); process::exit(1) } fn main() { let mut args = env::args_os().skip(1); let input_path = PathBuf::from(|| usage())); let input_file = fs::read(&input_path).expect("The specified input file could not be opened"); let scans = soos::Scans::from_file(&input_file).expect("Scan failed"); println!("{scans:#?}"); write_up_to(&input_path, &input_file, "0-meta", scans.metadata_end); write_up_to( &input_path, &input_file, "1-render", scans.frame_render_start, ); write_up_to( &input_path, &input_file, "2-first_scan", scans.first_scan_end, ); write_up_to(&input_path, &input_file, "3-good_scan", scans.good_scan_end); } fn write_up_to(src_path: &Path, data: &[u8], chunk_name: &str, len: Option) { let src_ext = src_path.extension().and_then(|e| e.to_str()).unwrap_or("jpeg"); let src_stem = src_path.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); let dst_path = src_path.with_file_name(format!("{src_stem}-{chunk_name}.{src_ext}")); match len { Some(len) => { std::fs::write(&dst_path, &data[..len]).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Can't write output file to {}", dst_path.display())) }, None => { let _ = std::fs::remove_file(dst_path); }, } }