begin transaction; delete from machines; delete from reservations; delete from users; insert into users (username, name, email, phone) values ('alice', 'Alice Aliceson', '', '+1 (709) 123-4567'), ('bob', 'Bob Balderson', '', NULL) ; insert into machines (name, arch, microarch, cores, memory_gb) values ('apple', 'x86_64', 'Sandy Bridge', 4, 16), ('banana', 'x86_64', 'Haswell', 8, 128), ('candy', 'arm64', 'armv7', 1, 4) ; insert into reservations (user_id, machine_id, scheduled_start, scheduled_end, actual_end, pxe_path, nfs_root) values (0, 0, timestamp with time zone '2017-01-01 03:30:00 -3:30', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (0, 1, timestamp with time zone '2017-02-01 03:30:00 -3:30', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 2, timestamp with time zone '2017-03-01 03:30:00 -3:30', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ; commit;