-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CluE Oxide: 0.2.1 FIXED: In the dependencies, updated the ndarray-linalg version to fix compilation errors on Windows. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CluE Oxide: 0.2.0-alpha.2 2024-04-23 FIXED: Bug fixed where find_exchange_groups() would give the wrong centroid value for methyl groups. CHANGED: Particle indices in save files are now more consistent; bath particles start at 1, and increment by one for each atom regardless off whether the particle is active or not, or even has a spin. The exchage_groups.csv now uses the same origin as the PDB, rather than setting the detected electron to the origin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CluE Oxide: 0.2.0-alpha.1 2024-01-09 CHANGED: The "filter" keyword has been deprecated and is replaced by "group". If a particle falls under multiple groups (previously called filters), CluE now errs rather than making an order dependent assignment. Config arguments starting with "write_" now take bools rather than strings. The config argument temperature = T; has been removed. Use cluster_density_matrix = thermal(T); instead. The config argument "neighbor_cutoff_dipole_dipole" has been renamed "neighbor_cutoff_coupling". ADDED: The input modes "#[group()]", "#[structure_properties()]", and "#[spin_properties()]" can now take either positional arguments or keyword arguments. Groups can be made specific to the primary unit cell by adding primary_cell; within a #[group()] section, or to all cells other than the primary cell via extracells; If neither is supplied, than the group applies to all cells. Within a #[structure_properties(my_label)] section, the option cosubstitute = same_molecule; is now available to enforce that atoms in the group my_label that are on the same molecule are the same isotope. Note that atoms not in the my_label group are not affected regardless of which molecule they are on. The option "void_probability" has been added. The option "write_methyl_partitions" was added. The option "write_sans_spin_signals" was added. REMOVED: The option "extracell_isotope_abundances" has been removed. The option "extracell_void_probability" has been removed. The option "cell_ids" has been removed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------