print('testing i/o') assert(io.input(io.stdin) == io.stdin) assert(io.output(io.stdout) == io.stdout) assert(type(io.input()) == "userdata" and io.type(io.output()) == "file") assert(io.type(8) == nil) local a = {}; setmetatable(a, {}) assert(io.type(a) == nil) local a, b, c ='xuxu_nao_existe') assert(not a and type(b) == "string" and type(c) == "number") a, b, c ='/a/b/c/d', 'w') assert(not a and type(b) == "string" and type(c) == "number") local file = os.tmpname() local otherfile = os.tmpname() assert(os.setlocale('C', 'all')) io.input(io.stdin); io.output(io.stdout); os.remove(file) assert(loadfile(file) == nil) assert( == nil) io.output(file) assert(io.output() ~= io.stdout) assert(io.output():seek() == 0) assert(io.write("alo alo")) assert(io.output():seek() == string.len("alo alo")) assert(io.output():seek("cur", -3) == string.len("alo alo") - 3) assert(io.write("joao")) assert(io.output():seek("end") == string.len("alo joao")) assert(io.output():seek("set") == 0) assert(io.write('"�lo"', "{a}\n", "second line\n", "third line \n")) assert(io.write('�fourth_line')) io.output(io.stdout) collectgarbage() -- file should be closed by GC assert(io.input() == io.stdin and rawequal(io.output(), io.stdout)) print('+') -- test GC for files collectgarbage() for i = 1, 120 do for i = 1, 5 do io.input(file) assert(, 'r')) io.lines(file) end collectgarbage() end assert(os.rename(file, otherfile)) assert(os.rename(file, otherfile) == nil) io.output(, "a")) assert(io.write("\n\n\t\t 3450\n")); io.close() -- test line generators assert(os.rename(otherfile, file)) io.output(otherfile) local f = io.lines(file) while f() do end assert(not pcall(f)) -- read lines after EOF assert(not pcall(f)) -- read lines after EOF -- copy from file to otherfile for l in io.lines(file) do io.write(l, "\n") end io.close() -- copy from otherfile back to file local f = assert( assert(io.type(f) == "file") io.output(file) assert(io.output():read() == nil) for l in f:lines() do io.write(l, "\n") end assert(f:close()); io.close() assert(not pcall(io.close, f)) -- error trying to close again assert(tostring(f) == "file (closed)") assert(io.type(f) == "closed file") io.input(file) f = for l in io.lines() do assert(l == f()) end assert(os.remove(otherfile)) io.input(file) do -- test error returns local a, b, c = io.input():write("xuxu") assert(not a and type(b) == "string" and type(c) == "number") end assert( == "") -- not eof assert(, '*l') == '"�lo"') assert( == "") assert( == "second line") local x = io.input():seek() assert( == "third line ") assert(io.input():seek("set", x)) assert('*l') == "third line ") assert( == "�") assert( "fourth_line") == "fourth_line") assert(io.input():seek("cur", -string.len "fourth_line")) assert( == "fourth_line") assert( == "") -- empty line assert('*n') == 3450) assert( == '\n') assert( == nil) -- end of file assert( == nil) -- end of file assert(({ })[2] == nil) assert( == nil) -- end of file assert(({ })[2] == nil) assert('*n') == nil) -- end of file assert(({'*n') })[2] == nil) assert('*a') == '') -- end of file (OK for `*a') assert('*a') == '') -- end of file (OK for `*a') collectgarbage() print('+') io.close(io.input()) assert(not pcall( assert(os.remove(file)) local t = '0123456789' for i = 1, 12 do t = t .. t; end assert(string.len(t) == 10 * 2 ^ 12) io.output(file) io.write("alo\n") io.close() assert(not pcall(io.write)) local f =, "a") io.output(f) collectgarbage() assert(io.write(' ' .. t .. ' ')) assert(io.write(';', 'end of file\n')) f:flush(); io.flush() f:close() print('+') io.input(file) assert( == "alo") assert( == ' ') assert( == t) assert( == ' ') assert( assert('*a') == ';end of file\n') assert( == nil) assert(io.close(io.input())) assert(os.remove(file)) print('+') local x1 = "string\n\n\\com \"\"''coisas [[estranhas]] ]]'" io.output(file) assert(io.write(string.format("x2 = %q\n-- comment without ending EOS", x1))) io.close() assert(loadfile(file))() assert(x1 == x2) print('+') assert(os.remove(file)) assert(os.remove(file) == nil) assert(os.remove(otherfile) == nil) io.output(file) assert(io.write("qualquer coisa\n")) assert(io.write("mais qualquer coisa")) io.close() io.output(assert(, 'wb'))) assert(io.write("outra coisa\0\1\3\0\0\0\0\255\0")) io.close() local filehandle = assert(, 'r')) local otherfilehandle = assert(, 'rb')) assert(filehandle ~= otherfilehandle) assert(type(filehandle) == "userdata") assert(filehandle:read('*l') == "qualquer coisa") io.input(otherfilehandle) assert( "outra coisa") == "outra coisa") assert(filehandle:read('*l') == "mais qualquer coisa") filehandle:close(); assert(type(filehandle) == "userdata") io.input(otherfilehandle) assert( == "\0\1\3\0") assert( == "\0\0\0") assert( == "") -- 255 is not eof assert( == "\255") assert('*a') == "\0") assert(not assert(otherfilehandle == io.input()) otherfilehandle:close() assert(os.remove(file)) assert(os.remove(otherfile)) collectgarbage() io.output(file) io.write [[ 123.4 -56e-2 not a number second line third line and the rest of the file ]] io.close() io.input(file) local _, a, b, c, d, e, h, __ =, '*n', '*n', '*l', '*l', '*l', '*a', 10) assert(io.close(io.input())) assert(_ == ' ' and __ == nil) assert(type(a) == 'number' and a == 123.4 and b == -56e-2) assert(d == 'second line' and e == 'third line') assert(h == [[ and the rest of the file ]]) assert(os.remove(file)) collectgarbage() -- testing buffers do local f = assert(, "w")) local fr = assert(, "r")) assert(f:setvbuf("full", 2000)) f:write("x") assert(fr:read("*all") == "") -- full buffer; output not written yet f:close() fr:seek("set") assert(fr:read("*all") == "x") -- `close' flushes it f = assert(, "w") assert(f:setvbuf("no")) f:write("x") fr:seek("set") assert(fr:read("*all") == "x") -- no buffer; output is ready f:close() f = assert(, "a")) assert(f:setvbuf("line")) f:write("x") fr:seek("set", 1) assert(fr:read("*all") == "") -- line buffer; no output without `\n' f:write("a\n") fr:seek("set", 1) assert(fr:read("*all") == "xa\n") -- now we have a whole line f:close(); fr:close() end -- testing large files (> BUFSIZ) io.output(file) for i = 1, 5001 do io.write('0123456789123') end io.write('\n12346') io.close() io.input(file) local x ='*a') io.input():seek('set', 0) local y = .. .. .. .. assert(x == y and string.len(x) == 5001 * 13 + 6) io.input():seek('set', 0) y = -- huge line assert(x == y .. '\n' .. assert( == nil) io.close(io.input()) assert(os.remove(file)) x = nil; y = nil x, y = pcall(io.popen, "ls") if x then assert(y:read("*a")) assert(y:close()) else (Message or print)('\a\n >>> popen not available<<<\n\a') end print '+' local t = os.time() T ="*t", t) loadstring([[assert(T.year==%Y and T.month==%m and and T.hour==%H and T.min==%M and T.sec==%S and T.wday==%w+1 and T.yday==%j and type(T.isdst) == 'boolean')]], t))() assert(os.time(T) == t) T ="!*t", t) loadstring([[!assert(T.year==%Y and T.month==%m and and T.hour==%H and T.min==%M and T.sec==%S and T.wday==%w+1 and T.yday==%j and type(T.isdst) == 'boolean')]], t))() do local T ="*t") local t = os.time(T) assert(type(T.isdst) == 'boolean') T.isdst = nil local t1 = os.time(T) assert(t == t1) -- if isdst is absent uses correct default end t = os.time(T) T.year = T.year - 1; local t1 = os.time(T) -- allow for leap years assert(math.abs(os.difftime(t, t1) / (24 * 3600) - 365) < 2) t = os.time() t1 = os.time("*t")) assert(os.difftime(t1, t) <= 2) local t1 = os.time { year = 2000, month = 10, day = 1, hour = 23, min = 12, sec = 17 } local t2 = os.time { year = 2000, month = 10, day = 1, hour = 23, min = 10, sec = 19 } assert(os.difftime(t1, t2) == 60 * 2 - 2) io.output(io.stdout) local d ='%d') local m ='%m') local a ='%Y') local ds ='%w') + 1 local h ='%H') local min ='%M') local s ='%S') io.write(string.format('test done on %2.2d/%2.2d/%d', d, m, a)) io.write(string.format(', at %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d\n', h, min, s)) io.write(string.format('%s\n', _VERSION))