print('testing tables, next, and for') local a = {} -- make sure table has lots of space in hash part for i=1,100 do a[i.."+"] = true end for i=1,100 do a[i.."+"] = nil end -- fill hash part with numeric indices testing size operator for i=1,100 do a[i] = true assert(#a == i) end if T then -- testing table sizes local l2 = math.log(2) local function log2 (x) return math.log(x)/l2 end local function mp2 (n) -- minimum power of 2 >= n local mp = 2^math.ceil(log2(n)) assert(n == 0 or (mp/2 < n and n <= mp)) return mp end local function fb (n) local r, nn = T.int2fb(n) assert(r < 256) return nn end -- test fb function local a = 1 local lim = 2^30 while a < lim do local n = fb(a) assert(a <= n and n <= a*1.125) a = math.ceil(a*1.3) end local function check (t, na, nh) local a, h = T.querytab(t) if a ~= na or h ~= nh then print(na, nh, a, h) assert(nil) end end -- testing constructor sizes local lim = 40 local s = 'return {' for i=1,lim do s = s..i..',' local s = s for k=0,lim do local t = loadstring(s..'}')() assert(#t == i) check(t, fb(i), mp2(k)) s = string.format('%sa%d=%d,', s, k, k) end end -- tests with unknown number of elements local a = {} for i=1,lim do a[i] = i end -- build auxiliary table for k=0,lim do local a = {unpack(a,1,k)} assert(#a == k) check(a, k, 0) a = {1,2,3,unpack(a,1,k)} check(a, k+3, 0) assert(#a == k + 3) end print'+' -- testing tables dynamically built local lim = 130 local a = {}; a[2] = 1; check(a, 0, 1) a = {}; a[0] = 1; check(a, 0, 1); a[2] = 1; check(a, 0, 2) a = {}; a[0] = 1; a[1] = 1; check(a, 1, 1) a = {} for i = 1,lim do a[i] = 1 assert(#a == i) check(a, mp2(i), 0) end a = {} for i = 1,lim do a['a'..i] = 1 assert(#a == 0) check(a, 0, mp2(i)) end a = {} for i=1,16 do a[i] = i end check(a, 16, 0) for i=1,11 do a[i] = nil end for i=30,40 do a[i] = nil end -- force a rehash (?) check(a, 0, 8) a[10] = 1 for i=30,40 do a[i] = nil end -- force a rehash (?) check(a, 0, 8) for i=1,14 do a[i] = nil end for i=30,50 do a[i] = nil end -- force a rehash (?) check(a, 0, 4) -- reverse filling for i=1,lim do local a = {} for i=i,1,-1 do a[i] = i end -- fill in reverse check(a, mp2(i), 0) end -- size tests for vararg lim = 35 function foo (n, ...) local arg = {...} check(arg, n, 0) assert(select('#', ...) == n) arg[n+1] = true check(arg, mp2(n+1), 0) arg.x = true check(arg, mp2(n+1), 1) end local a = {} for i=1,lim do a[i] = true; foo(i, unpack(a)) end end -- test size operation on empty tables assert(#{} == 0) assert(#{nil} == 0) assert(#{nil, nil} == 0) assert(#{nil, nil, nil} == 0) assert(#{nil, nil, nil, nil} == 0) print'+' local nofind = {} a,b,c = 1,2,3 a,b,c = nil local function find (name) local n,v while 1 do n,v = next(_G, n) if not n then return nofind end assert(v ~= nil) if n == name then return v end end end local function find1 (name) for n,v in pairs(_G) do if n==name then return v end end return nil -- not found end do -- create 10000 new global variables for i=1,10000 do _G[i] = i end end a = {x=90, y=8, z=23} assert(table.foreach(a, function(i,v) if i=='x' then return v end end) == 90) assert(table.foreach(a, function(i,v) if i=='a' then return v end end) == nil) table.foreach({}, error) table.foreachi({x=10, y=20}, error) local a = {n = 1} table.foreachi({n=3}, function (i, v) assert(a.n == i and not v) a.n=a.n+1 end) a = {10,20,30,nil,50} table.foreachi(a, function (i,v) assert(a[i] == v) end) assert(table.foreachi({'a', 'b', 'c'}, function (i,v) if i==2 then return v end end) == 'b') assert(print==find("print") and print == find1("print")) assert(_G["print"]==find("print")) assert(assert==find1("assert")) assert(nofind==find("return")) assert(not find1("return")) _G["ret" .. "urn"] = nil assert(nofind==find("return")) _G["xxx"] = 1 assert(xxx==find("xxx")) print('+') a = {} for i=0,10000 do if math.mod(i,10) ~= 0 then a['x'..i] = i end end n = {n=0} for i,v in pairs(a) do n.n = n.n+1 assert(i and v and a[i] == v) end assert(n.n == 9000) a = nil -- remove those 10000 new global variables for i=1,10000 do _G[i] = nil end do -- clear global table local a = {} local preserve = {io = 1, string = 1, debug = 1, os = 1, coroutine = 1, table = 1, math = 1} for n,v in pairs(_G) do a[n]=v end for n,v in pairs(a) do if not preserve[n] and type(v) ~= "function" and not string.find(n, "^[%u_]") then _G[n] = nil end collectgarbage() end end local function foo () local getfenv, setfenv, assert, next = getfenv, setfenv, assert, next local n = {gl1=3} setfenv(foo, n) assert(getfenv(foo) == getfenv(1)) assert(getfenv(foo) == n) assert(print == nil and gl1 == 3) gl1 = nil gl = 1 assert( == 1 and next(n, 'gl') == nil) end foo() print'+' local function checknext (a) local b = {} table.foreach(a, function (k,v) b[k] = v end) for k,v in pairs(b) do assert(a[k] == v) end for k,v in pairs(a) do assert(b[k] == v) end b = {} do local k,v = next(a); while k do b[k] = v; k,v = next(a,k) end end for k,v in pairs(b) do assert(a[k] == v) end for k,v in pairs(a) do assert(b[k] == v) end end checknext{1,x=1,y=2,z=3} checknext{1,2,x=1,y=2,z=3} checknext{1,2,3,x=1,y=2,z=3} checknext{1,2,3,4,x=1,y=2,z=3} checknext{1,2,3,4,5,x=1,y=2,z=3} assert(table.getn{} == 0) assert(table.getn{[-1] = 2} == 0) assert(table.getn{1,2,3,nil,nil} == 3) for i=0,40 do local a = {} for j=1,i do a[j]=j end assert(table.getn(a) == i) end assert(table.maxn{} == 0) assert(table.maxn{["1000"] = true} == 0) assert(table.maxn{["1000"] = true, [24.5] = 3} == 24.5) assert(table.maxn{[1000] = true} == 1000) assert(table.maxn{[10] = true, [100*math.pi] = print} == 100*math.pi) -- int overflow a = {} for i=0,50 do a[math.pow(2,i)] = true end assert(a[table.getn(a)]) print("+") -- erasing values local t = {[{1}] = 1, [{2}] = 2, [string.rep("x ", 4)] = 3, [100.3] = 4, [4] = 5} local n = 0 for k, v in pairs( t ) do n = n+1 assert(t[k] == v) t[k] = nil collectgarbage() assert(t[k] == nil) end assert(n == 5) local function test (a) table.insert(a, 10); table.insert(a, 2, 20); table.insert(a, 1, -1); table.insert(a, 40); table.insert(a, table.getn(a)+1, 50) table.insert(a, 2, -2) assert(table.remove(a,1) == -1) assert(table.remove(a,1) == -2) assert(table.remove(a,1) == 10) assert(table.remove(a,1) == 20) assert(table.remove(a,1) == 40) assert(table.remove(a,1) == 50) assert(table.remove(a,1) == nil) end a = {n=0, [-7] = "ban"} test(a) assert(a.n == 0 and a[-7] == "ban") a = {[-7] = "ban"}; test(a) assert(a.n == nil and table.getn(a) == 0 and a[-7] == "ban") table.insert(a, 1, 10); table.insert(a, 1, 20); table.insert(a, 1, -1) assert(table.remove(a) == 10) assert(table.remove(a) == 20) assert(table.remove(a) == -1) a = {'c', 'd'} table.insert(a, 3, 'a') table.insert(a, 'b') assert(table.remove(a, 1) == 'c') assert(table.remove(a, 1) == 'd') assert(table.remove(a, 1) == 'a') assert(table.remove(a, 1) == 'b') assert(table.getn(a) == 0 and a.n == nil) print("+") a = {} for i=1,1000 do a[i] = i; a[i-1] = nil end assert(next(a,nil) == 1000 and next(a,1000) == nil) assert(next({}) == nil) assert(next({}, nil) == nil) for a,b in pairs{} do error"not here" end for i=1,0 do error'not here' end for i=0,1,-1 do error'not here' end a = nil; for i=1,1 do assert(not a); a=1 end; assert(a) a = nil; for i=1,1,-1 do assert(not a); a=1 end; assert(a) a = 0; for i=0, 1, 0.1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==11) -- precision problems --a = 0; for i=1, 0, -0.01 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==101) a = 0; for i=0, 0.999999999, 0.1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==10) a = 0; for i=1, 1, 1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1) a = 0; for i=1e10, 1e10, -1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1) a = 0; for i=1, 0.99999, 1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==0) a = 0; for i=99999, 1e5, -1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==0) a = 0; for i=1, 0.99999, -1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1) -- conversion a = 0; for i="10","1","-2" do a=a+1 end; assert(a==5) collectgarbage() -- testing generic 'for' local function f (n, p) local t = {}; for i=1,p do t[i] = i*10 end return function (_,n) if n > 0 then n = n-1 return n, unpack(t) end end, nil, n end local x = 0 for n,a,b,c,d in f(5,3) do x = x+1 assert(a == 10 and b == 20 and c == 30 and d == nil) end assert(x == 5) print"OK"