#!../lua local version = "Lua 5.2" if _VERSION ~= version then io.stderr:write("\nThis test suite is for ", version, ", not for ", _VERSION, "\nExiting tests\n") return end -- next variables control the execution of some tests -- true means no test (so an undefined variable does not skip a test) -- defaults are for Linux; test everything _soft = false -- true to avoid long or memory consuming tests _port = false -- true to avoid non-portable tests _no32 = false -- true to avoid tests that assume 32 bits _nomsg = false -- true to avoid messages about tests not performed _noposix = false -- false assumes LUA_USE_POSIX _nolonglong = false -- false assumes LUA_USE_LONGLONG _noformatA = false -- false assumes LUA_USE_AFORMAT local usertests = rawget(_G, "_U") if usertests then -- tests for sissies ;) Avoid problems _soft = true _port = true _no32 = true _nomsg = true _noposix = true _nolonglong = true _noformatA = true; end -- no "internal" tests for user tests if usertests then T = nil end T = rawget(_G, "T") -- avoid problems with 'strict' module package.path = "?;./?.lua" .. package.path math.randomseed(0) collectgarbage("setstepmul", 200) collectgarbage("setpause", 200) --[=[ example of a long [comment], [[spanning several [lines]]] ]=] print("current path:\n****" .. package.path .. "****\n") local c = os.clock() local collectgarbage = collectgarbage do -- ( -- track messages for tests not performed local msgs = {} function Message (m) if not _nomsg then print(m) msgs[#msgs+1] = string.sub(m, 3, -3) end end assert(os.setlocale"C") local T,print,format,write,assert,type,unpack,floor = T,print,string.format,io.write,assert,type,table.unpack,math.floor -- use K for 1000 and M for 1000000 (not 2^10 -- 2^20) local function F (m) local function round (m) m = m + 0.04999 return m - (m % 0.1) -- keep one decimal digit end if m < 1000 then return m else m = m / 1000 if m < 1000 then return round(m).."K" else return round(m/1000).."M" end end end local showmem if not T then local max = 0 showmem = function () local m = collectgarbage("count") * 1024 max = (m > max) and m or max print(format(" ---- total memory: %s, max memory: %s ----\n", F(m), F(max))) end else showmem = function () T.checkmemory() local total, numblocks, maxmem = T.totalmem() local count = collectgarbage("count") print(format( "\n ---- total memory: %s (%.0fK), max use: %s, blocks: %d\n", F(total), count, F(maxmem), numblocks)) print(format("\t(strings: %d, tables: %d, functions: %d, ".. "\n\tudata: %d, threads: %d)", T.totalmem"string", T.totalmem"table", T.totalmem"function", T.totalmem"userdata", T.totalmem"thread")) end end -- -- redefine dofile to run files through dump/undump -- local function report (n) print("\n***** FILE '"..n.."'*****") end local olddofile = dofile dofile = function (n) showmem() report(n) local f = assert(loadfile(n)) local b = string.dump(f) f = assert(load(b)) return f() end dofile('main.lua') do local next, setmetatable, stderr = next, setmetatable, io.stderr local mt = {} -- each time a table is collected, create a new one to be -- collected next cycle mt.__gc = function (o) stderr:write'.' -- mark progress local n = setmetatable({}, mt) -- replicate object o = nil local a,b,c,d,e = nil -- erase 'o' from the stack end local n = setmetatable({}, mt) -- replicate object end report"gc.lua" local f = assert(loadfile('gc.lua')) f() collectgarbage("generational") dofile('db.lua') assert(dofile('calls.lua') == deep and deep) olddofile('strings.lua') olddofile('literals.lua') assert(dofile('attrib.lua') == 27) collectgarbage("incremental") -- redo some tests in incremental mode olddofile('strings.lua') olddofile('literals.lua') dofile('constructs.lua') dofile('api.lua') collectgarbage("generational") -- back to generational mode collectgarbage("setpause", 200) collectgarbage("setmajorinc", 500) assert(dofile('locals.lua') == 5) dofile('constructs.lua') dofile('code.lua') if not _G._soft then report('big.lua') local f = coroutine.wrap(assert(loadfile('big.lua'))) assert(f() == 'b') assert(f() == 'a') end dofile('nextvar.lua') dofile('pm.lua') dofile('api.lua') assert(dofile('events.lua') == 12) dofile('vararg.lua') dofile('closure.lua') dofile('coroutine.lua') dofile('goto.lua') dofile('errors.lua') dofile('math.lua') dofile('sort.lua') dofile('bitwise.lua') assert(dofile('verybig.lua') == 10); collectgarbage() dofile('files.lua') if #msgs > 0 then print("\ntests not performed:") for i=1,#msgs do print(msgs[i]) end print() end print("final OK !!!") local debug = require "debug" debug.sethook(function (a) assert(type(a) == 'string') end, "cr") -- to survive outside block _G.showmem = showmem end --) local _G, showmem, print, format, clock, assert, open = _G, showmem, print, string.format, os.clock, assert, io.open -- file with time of last performed test local fname = T and "time-debug.txt" or "time.txt" local lasttime if not usertests then -- open file with time of last performed test local f = io.open(fname) if f then lasttime = assert(tonumber(f:read'*a')) f:close(); else -- no such file; assume it is recording time for first time lasttime = nil end end -- erase (almost) all globals print('cleaning all!!!!') for n in pairs(_G) do if not ({___Glob = 1, tostring = 1})[n] then _G[n] = nil end end collectgarbage() collectgarbage() collectgarbage() collectgarbage() collectgarbage() collectgarbage();showmem() local time = clock() - c print(format("\n\ntotal time: %.2f\n", time)) if not usertests then lasttime = lasttime or time -- if there is no last time, ignore difference -- check whether current test time differs more than 5% from last time local diff = (time - lasttime) / time local tolerance = 0.05 -- 5% assert(diff < tolerance and diff > -tolerance) assert(open(fname, "w")):write(time):close() end