--- source: src/main.rs expression: compiled input_file: test-data/lua5.3-tests/utf8.lua --- print("testing UTF-8 library"); local utf8 = require('utf8') local fn checkerror(msg, f, ...) { local s, err = pcall(f, ...) assert(!s && string.find(err, msg)); } local fn len(s) { return #string.gsub(s, "[\x80-\xBF]", "") } local justone = "^" .. utf8.charpattern .. "$" local fn checksyntax(s, t) { local ts = { "return '" } for i = 1, #t { ts[(i + 1)] = string.format("\\u{%x}", t[(i)]) } ts[(#t + 2)] = "'" ts = table.concat(ts) assert(assert(load(ts))() == s); } assert(utf8.offset("alo", 5) == nil); assert(utf8.offset("alo", -4) == nil); local fn check(s, t) { local l = utf8.len(s) assert(#t == l && len(s) == l); assert(utf8.char(table.unpack(t)) == s); assert(utf8.offset(s, 0) == 1); checksyntax(s, t); local t1 = { utf8.codepoint(s, 1, -1) } assert(#t == #t1); for i = 1, #t { assert(t[(i)] == t1[(i)]); } for i = 1, l { local pi = utf8.offset(s, i) local pi1 = utf8.offset(s, 2, pi) assert(string.find(string.sub(s, pi, pi1 - 1), justone)); assert(utf8.offset(s, -1, pi1) == pi); assert(utf8.offset(s, i - l - 1) == pi); assert(pi1 - pi == #utf8.char(utf8.codepoint(s, pi))); for j = pi, pi1 - 1 { assert(utf8.offset(s, 0, j) == pi); } for j = pi + 1, pi1 - 1 { assert(!utf8.len(s, j)); } assert(utf8.len(s, pi, pi) == 1); assert(utf8.len(s, pi, pi1 - 1) == 1); assert(utf8.len(s, pi) == l - i + 1); assert(utf8.len(s, pi1) == l - i); assert(utf8.len(s, 1, pi) == i); } local i = 0 for p, c with utf8.codes(s) { i = i + 1 assert(c == t[(i)] && p == utf8.offset(s, i)); assert(utf8.codepoint(s, p) == c); } assert(i == #t); i = 0 for p, c with utf8.codes(s) { i = i + 1 assert(c == t[(i)] && p == utf8.offset(s, i)); } assert(i == #t); i = 0 for c with string.gmatch(s, utf8.charpattern) { i = i + 1 assert(c == utf8.char(t[(i)])); } assert(i == #t); for i = 1, l { assert(utf8.offset(s, i) == utf8.offset(s, i - l - 1, #s + 1)); } } { local fn check(s, p) { local a, b = utf8.len(s) assert(!a && b == p); } check("abc\xE3def", 4); check("汉字\x80", #("汉字") + 1); check("\xF4\x9F\xBF", 1); check("\xF4\x9F\xBF\xBF", 1); } checkerror("invalid UTF%-8 code", fn () { local s = "ab\xff" for c with utf8.codes(s) { assert(c); } }); checkerror("position out of range", utf8.offset, "abc", 1, 5); checkerror("position out of range", utf8.offset, "abc", 1, -4); checkerror("position out of range", utf8.offset, "", 1, 2); checkerror("position out of range", utf8.offset, "", 1, -1); checkerror("continuation byte", utf8.offset, "𦧺", 1, 2); checkerror("continuation byte", utf8.offset, "𦧺", 1, 2); checkerror("continuation byte", utf8.offset, "\x80", 1); local s = "hello World" local t = { string.byte(s, 1, -1) } for i = 1, utf8.len(s) { assert(t[(i)] == string.byte(s, i)); } check(s, t); check("汉字/漢字", { 27721, 23383, 47, 28450, 23383 }); { local s = "áéí\128" local t = { utf8.codepoint(s, 1, #s - 1) } assert(#t == 3 && t[(1)] == 225 && t[(2)] == 233 && t[(3)] == 237); checkerror("invalid UTF%-8 code", utf8.codepoint, s, 1, #s); checkerror("out of range", utf8.codepoint, s, #s + 1); t = { utf8.codepoint(s, 4, 3) } assert(#t == 0); checkerror("out of range", utf8.codepoint, s, -(#s + 1), 1); checkerror("out of range", utf8.codepoint, s, 1, #s + 1); } assert(utf8.char() == ""); assert(utf8.char(97, 98, 99) == "abc"); assert(utf8.codepoint(utf8.char(0x10FFFF)) == 0x10FFFF); checkerror("value out of range", utf8.char, 0x10FFFF + 1); local fn invalid(s) { checkerror("invalid UTF%-8 code", utf8.codepoint, s); assert(!utf8.len(s)); } invalid("\xF4\x9F\xBF\xBF"); invalid("\xC0\x80"); invalid("\xC1\xBF"); invalid("\xE0\x9F\xBF"); invalid("\xF0\x8F\xBF\xBF"); invalid("\x80"); invalid("\xBF"); invalid("\xFE"); invalid("\xFF"); check("", {}); s = "\0 \x7F\z \xC2\x80 \xDF\xBF\z \xE0\xA0\x80 \xEF\xBF\xBF\z \xF0\x90\x80\x80 \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF" s = string.gsub(s, " ", "") check(s, { 0, 0x7F, 0x80, 0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000, 0x10FFFF }); x = "日本語a-4\0éó" check(x, { 26085, 26412, 35486, 97, 45, 52, 0, 233, 243 }); check("𣲷𠜎𠱓𡁻𠵼ab𠺢", { 0x23CB7, 0x2070E, 0x20C53, 0x2107B, 0x20D7C, 0x61, 0x62, 0x20EA2 }); check("𨳊𩶘𦧺𨳒𥄫𤓓\xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF", { 0x28CCA, 0x29D98, 0x269FA, 0x28CD2, 0x2512B, 0x244D3, 0x10ffff }); local i = 0 for p, c with string.gmatch(x, "()(" .. utf8.charpattern .. ")") { i = i + 1 assert(utf8.offset(x, i) == p); assert(utf8.len(x, p) == utf8.len(x) - i + 1); assert(utf8.len(c) == 1); for j = 1, #c - 1 { assert(utf8.offset(x, 0, p + j - 1) == p); } } print('ok');