-- $Id: sort.lua,v 1.38 2016/11/07 13:11:28 roberto Exp $ -- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua print "testing (parts of) table library" print "testing unpack" local unpack = table.unpack local maxI = math.maxinteger local minI = math.mininteger local function checkerror (msg, f, ...) local s, err = pcall(f, ...) assert(not s and string.find(err, msg)) end checkerror("wrong number of arguments", table.insert, {}, 2, 3, 4) local x,y,z,a,n a = {}; lim = _soft and 200 or 2000 for i=1, lim do a[i]=i end assert(select(lim, unpack(a)) == lim and select('#', unpack(a)) == lim) x = unpack(a) assert(x == 1) x = {unpack(a)} assert(#x == lim and x[1] == 1 and x[lim] == lim) x = {unpack(a, lim-2)} assert(#x == 3 and x[1] == lim-2 and x[3] == lim) x = {unpack(a, 10, 6)} assert(next(x) == nil) -- no elements x = {unpack(a, 11, 10)} assert(next(x) == nil) -- no elements x,y = unpack(a, 10, 10) assert(x == 10 and y == nil) x,y,z = unpack(a, 10, 11) assert(x == 10 and y == 11 and z == nil) a,x = unpack{1} assert(a==1 and x==nil) a,x = unpack({1,2}, 1, 1) assert(a==1 and x==nil) do local maxi = (1 << 31) - 1 -- maximum value for an int (usually) local mini = -(1 << 31) -- minimum value for an int (usually) checkerror("too many results", unpack, {}, 0, maxi) checkerror("too many results", unpack, {}, 1, maxi) checkerror("too many results", unpack, {}, 0, maxI) checkerror("too many results", unpack, {}, 1, maxI) checkerror("too many results", unpack, {}, mini, maxi) checkerror("too many results", unpack, {}, -maxi, maxi) checkerror("too many results", unpack, {}, minI, maxI) unpack({}, maxi, 0) unpack({}, maxi, 1) unpack({}, maxI, minI) pcall(unpack, {}, 1, maxi + 1) local a, b = unpack({[maxi] = 20}, maxi, maxi) assert(a == 20 and b == nil) a, b = unpack({[maxi] = 20}, maxi - 1, maxi) assert(a == nil and b == 20) local t = {[maxI - 1] = 12, [maxI] = 23} a, b = unpack(t, maxI - 1, maxI); assert(a == 12 and b == 23) a, b = unpack(t, maxI, maxI); assert(a == 23 and b == nil) a, b = unpack(t, maxI, maxI - 1); assert(a == nil and b == nil) t = {[minI] = 12.3, [minI + 1] = 23.5} a, b = unpack(t, minI, minI + 1); assert(a == 12.3 and b == 23.5) a, b = unpack(t, minI, minI); assert(a == 12.3 and b == nil) a, b = unpack(t, minI + 1, minI); assert(a == nil and b == nil) end do -- length is not an integer local t = setmetatable({}, {__len = function () return 'abc' end}) assert(#t == 'abc') checkerror("object length is not an integer", table.insert, t, 1) end print "testing pack" a = table.pack() assert(a[1] == nil and a.n == 0) a = table.pack(table) assert(a[1] == table and a.n == 1) a = table.pack(nil, nil, nil, nil) assert(a[1] == nil and a.n == 4) -- testing move do checkerror("table expected", table.move, 1, 2, 3, 4) local function eqT (a, b) for k, v in pairs(a) do assert(b[k] == v) end for k, v in pairs(b) do assert(a[k] == v) end end local a = table.move({10,20,30}, 1, 3, 2) -- move forward eqT(a, {10,10,20,30}) -- move forward with overlap of 1 a = table.move({10, 20, 30}, 1, 3, 3) eqT(a, {10, 20, 10, 20, 30}) -- moving to the same table (not being explicit about it) a = {10, 20, 30, 40} table.move(a, 1, 4, 2, a) eqT(a, {10, 10, 20, 30, 40}) a = table.move({10,20,30}, 2, 3, 1) -- move backward eqT(a, {20,30,30}) a = {} -- move to new table assert(table.move({10,20,30}, 1, 3, 1, a) == a) eqT(a, {10,20,30}) a = {} assert(table.move({10,20,30}, 1, 0, 3, a) == a) -- empty move (no move) eqT(a, {}) a = table.move({10,20,30}, 1, 10, 1) -- move to the same place eqT(a, {10,20,30}) -- moving on the fringes a = table.move({[maxI - 2] = 1, [maxI - 1] = 2, [maxI] = 3}, maxI - 2, maxI, -10, {}) eqT(a, {[-10] = 1, [-9] = 2, [-8] = 3}) a = table.move({[minI] = 1, [minI + 1] = 2, [minI + 2] = 3}, minI, minI + 2, -10, {}) eqT(a, {[-10] = 1, [-9] = 2, [-8] = 3}) a = table.move({45}, 1, 1, maxI) eqT(a, {45, [maxI] = 45}) a = table.move({[maxI] = 100}, maxI, maxI, minI) eqT(a, {[minI] = 100, [maxI] = 100}) a = table.move({[minI] = 100}, minI, minI, maxI) eqT(a, {[minI] = 100, [maxI] = 100}) a = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (_,k) return k * 10 end, __newindex = error}) local b = table.move(a, 1, 10, 3, {}) eqT(a, {}) eqT(b, {nil,nil,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}) b = setmetatable({""}, { __index = error, __newindex = function (t,k,v) t[1] = string.format("%s(%d,%d)", t[1], k, v) end}) table.move(a, 10, 13, 3, b) assert(b[1] == "(3,100)(4,110)(5,120)(6,130)") local stat, msg = pcall(table.move, b, 10, 13, 3, b) assert(not stat and msg == b) end do -- for very long moves, just check initial accesses and interrupt -- move with an error local function checkmove (f, e, t, x, y) local pos1, pos2 local a = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (_,k) pos1 = k end, __newindex = function (_,k) pos2 = k; error() end, }) local st, msg = pcall(table.move, a, f, e, t) assert(not st and not msg and pos1 == x and pos2 == y) end checkmove(1, maxI, 0, 1, 0) checkmove(0, maxI - 1, 1, maxI - 1, maxI) checkmove(minI, -2, -5, -2, maxI - 6) checkmove(minI + 1, -1, -2, -1, maxI - 3) checkmove(minI, -2, 0, minI, 0) -- non overlapping checkmove(minI + 1, -1, 1, minI + 1, 1) -- non overlapping end checkerror("too many", table.move, {}, 0, maxI, 1) checkerror("too many", table.move, {}, -1, maxI - 1, 1) checkerror("too many", table.move, {}, minI, -1, 1) checkerror("too many", table.move, {}, minI, maxI, 1) checkerror("wrap around", table.move, {}, 1, maxI, 2) checkerror("wrap around", table.move, {}, 1, 2, maxI) checkerror("wrap around", table.move, {}, minI, -2, 2) print"testing sort" -- strange lengths local a = setmetatable({}, {__len = function () return -1 end}) assert(#a == -1) table.sort(a, error) -- should not compare anything a = setmetatable({}, {__len = function () return maxI end}) checkerror("too big", table.sort, a) -- test checks for invalid order functions local function check (t) local function f(a, b) assert(a and b); return true end checkerror("invalid order function", table.sort, t, f) end check{1,2,3,4} check{1,2,3,4,5} check{1,2,3,4,5,6} function check (a, f) f = f or function (x,y) return x