#!../lua -- $Id: testes/all.lua $ -- See Copyright Notice at the end of this file local version = "Lua 5.4" if _VERSION ~= version then io.stderr:write("This test suite is for ", version, ", not for ", _VERSION, "\nExiting tests") return end _G.ARG = arg -- save arg for other tests -- next variables control the execution of some tests -- true means no test (so an undefined variable does not skip a test) -- defaults are for Linux; test everything. -- Make true to avoid long or memory consuming tests _soft = rawget(_G, "_soft") or false -- Make true to avoid non-portable tests _port = rawget(_G, "_port") or false -- Make true to avoid messages about tests not performed _nomsg = rawget(_G, "_nomsg") or false local usertests = rawget(_G, "_U") if usertests then -- tests for sissies ;) Avoid problems _soft = true _port = true _nomsg = true end -- tests should require debug when needed debug = nil if usertests then T = nil -- no "internal" tests for user tests else T = rawget(_G, "T") -- avoid problems with 'strict' module end --[=[ example of a long [comment], [[spanning several [lines]]] ]=] print("\n\tStarting Tests") do -- set random seed local random_x, random_y = math.randomseed() print(string.format("random seeds: %d, %d", random_x, random_y)) end print("current path:\n****" .. package.path .. "****\n") local initclock = os.clock() local lastclock = initclock local walltime = os.time() local collectgarbage = collectgarbage do -- ( -- track messages for tests not performed local msgs = {} function Message (m) if not _nomsg then print(m) msgs[#msgs+1] = string.sub(m, 3, -3) end end assert(os.setlocale"C") local T,print,format,write,assert,type,unpack,floor = T,print,string.format,io.write,assert,type,table.unpack,math.floor -- use K for 1000 and M for 1000000 (not 2^10 -- 2^20) local function F (m) local function round (m) m = m + 0.04999 return format("%.1f", m) -- keep one decimal digit end if m < 1000 then return m else m = m / 1000 if m < 1000 then return round(m).."K" else return round(m/1000).."M" end end end local Cstacklevel local showmem if not T then local max = 0 showmem = function () local m = collectgarbage("count") * 1024 max = (m > max) and m or max print(format(" ---- total memory: %s, max memory: %s ----\n", F(m), F(max))) end Cstacklevel = function () return 0 end -- no info about stack level else showmem = function () T.checkmemory() local total, numblocks, maxmem = T.totalmem() local count = collectgarbage("count") print(format( "\n ---- total memory: %s (%.0fK), max use: %s, blocks: %d\n", F(total), count, F(maxmem), numblocks)) print(format("\t(strings: %d, tables: %d, functions: %d, ".. "\n\tudata: %d, threads: %d)", T.totalmem"string", T.totalmem"table", T.totalmem"function", T.totalmem"userdata", T.totalmem"thread")) end Cstacklevel = function () local _, _, ncalls = T.stacklevel() return ncalls -- number of C calls end end local Cstack = Cstacklevel() -- -- redefine dofile to run files through dump/undump -- local function report (n) print("\n***** FILE '"..n.."'*****") end local olddofile = dofile local dofile = function (n, strip) showmem() local c = os.clock() print(string.format("time: %g (+%g)", c - initclock, c - lastclock)) lastclock = c report(n) local f = assert(loadfile(n)) local b = string.dump(f, strip) f = assert(load(b)) return f() end dofile('main.lua') -- trace GC cycles require"tracegc".start() report"gc.lua" local f = assert(loadfile('gc.lua')) f() dofile('db.lua') assert(dofile('calls.lua') == deep and deep) olddofile('strings.lua') olddofile('literals.lua') dofile('tpack.lua') assert(dofile('attrib.lua') == 27) dofile('gengc.lua') assert(dofile('locals.lua') == 5) dofile('constructs.lua') dofile('code.lua', true) if not _G._soft then report('big.lua') local f = coroutine.wrap(assert(loadfile('big.lua'))) assert(f() == 'b') assert(f() == 'a') end dofile('cstack.lua') dofile('nextvar.lua') dofile('pm.lua') dofile('utf8.lua') dofile('api.lua') assert(dofile('events.lua') == 12) dofile('vararg.lua') dofile('closure.lua') dofile('coroutine.lua') dofile('goto.lua', true) dofile('errors.lua') dofile('math.lua') dofile('sort.lua', true) dofile('bitwise.lua') assert(dofile('verybig.lua', true) == 10); collectgarbage() dofile('files.lua') if #msgs > 0 then local m = table.concat(msgs, "\n ") warn("#tests not performed:\n ", m, "\n") end print("(there should be two warnings now)") warn("@on") warn("#This is ", "an expected", " warning") warn("@off") warn("******** THIS WARNING SHOULD NOT APPEAR **********") warn("******** THIS WARNING ALSO SHOULD NOT APPEAR **********") warn("@on") warn("#This is", " another one") -- no test module should define 'debug' assert(debug == nil) local debug = require "debug" print(string.format("%d-bit integers, %d-bit floats", string.packsize("j") * 8, string.packsize("n") * 8)) debug.sethook(function (a) assert(type(a) == 'string') end, "cr") -- to survive outside block _G.showmem = showmem assert(Cstack == Cstacklevel(), "should be at the same C-stack level it was when started the tests") end --) local _G, showmem, print, format, clock, time, difftime, assert, open, warn = _G, showmem, print, string.format, os.clock, os.time, os.difftime, assert, io.open, warn -- file with time of last performed test local fname = T and "time-debug.txt" or "time.txt" local lasttime if not usertests then -- open file with time of last performed test local f = io.open(fname) if f then lasttime = assert(tonumber(f:read'a')) f:close(); else -- no such file; assume it is recording time for first time lasttime = nil end end -- erase (almost) all globals print('cleaning all!!!!') for n in pairs(_G) do if not ({___Glob = 1, tostring = 1})[n] then _G[n] = undef end end collectgarbage() collectgarbage() collectgarbage() collectgarbage() collectgarbage() collectgarbage();showmem() local clocktime = clock() - initclock walltime = difftime(time(), walltime) print(format("\n\ntotal time: %.2fs (wall time: %gs)\n", clocktime, walltime)) if not usertests then lasttime = lasttime or clocktime -- if no last time, ignore difference -- check whether current test time differs more than 5% from last time local diff = (clocktime - lasttime) / lasttime local tolerance = 0.05 -- 5% if (diff >= tolerance or diff <= -tolerance) then warn(format("#time difference from previous test: %+.1f%%", diff * 100)) end assert(open(fname, "w")):write(clocktime):close() end print("final OK !!!") --[[ ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1994-2016 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** ]]