(mod (POOL_PUZZLE_HASH P2_SINGLETON_PUZZLE_HASH OWNER_PUBKEY POOL_REWARD_PREFIX WAITINGROOM_PUZHASH Truths p1 pool_reward_height ) ; POOL_PUZZLE_HASH is commitment to the pool's puzzle hash ; P2_SINGLETON_PUZZLE_HASH is the puzzle hash for your pay to singleton puzzle ; OWNER_PUBKEY is the farmer pubkey which authorises a travel ; POOL_REWARD_PREFIX is network-specific data (mainnet vs testnet) that helps determine if a coin is a pool reward ; WAITINGROOM_PUZHASH is the puzzle_hash you'll go to when you initiate the leaving process ; Absorbing money if pool_reward_height is an atom ; Escaping if pool_reward_height is () ; p1 is pool_reward_amount if absorbing money ; p1 is extra_data key_value_list if escaping ; pool_reward_amount is the value of the coin reward - this is passed in so that this puzzle will still work after halvenings ; pool_reward_height is the block height that the reward was generated at. This is used to calculate the coin ID. ; key_value_list is signed extra data that the wallet may want to publicly announce for syncing purposes (include condition_codes.clvm) (include singleton_truths.clib) ; takes a lisp tree and returns the hash of it (defun sha256tree (TREE) (if (l TREE) (sha256 2 (sha256tree (f TREE)) (sha256tree (r TREE))) (sha256 1 TREE) ) ) (defun calculate_pool_reward (pool_reward_height P2_SINGLETON_PUZZLE_HASH POOL_REWARD_PREFIX pool_reward_amount) (sha256 (logior POOL_REWARD_PREFIX (logand (- (lsh (q . 1) (q . 128)) (q . 1)) pool_reward_height)) P2_SINGLETON_PUZZLE_HASH pool_reward_amount) ) (defun absorb_pool_reward (POOL_PUZZLE_HASH my_inner_puzzle_hash my_amount pool_reward_amount pool_reward_id) (list (list CREATE_COIN my_inner_puzzle_hash my_amount) (list CREATE_COIN POOL_PUZZLE_HASH pool_reward_amount) (list CREATE_PUZZLE_ANNOUNCEMENT pool_reward_id) (list ASSERT_COIN_ANNOUNCEMENT (sha256 pool_reward_id '$')) ) ) (defun-inline travel_to_waitingroom (OWNER_PUBKEY WAITINGROOM_PUZHASH my_amount extra_data) (list (list AGG_SIG_ME OWNER_PUBKEY (sha256tree extra_data)) (list CREATE_COIN WAITINGROOM_PUZHASH my_amount) ) ) ; main (if pool_reward_height (absorb_pool_reward POOL_PUZZLE_HASH (my_inner_puzzle_hash_truth Truths) (my_amount_truth Truths) p1 (calculate_pool_reward pool_reward_height P2_SINGLETON_PUZZLE_HASH POOL_REWARD_PREFIX p1) ) (travel_to_waitingroom OWNER_PUBKEY WAITINGROOM_PUZHASH (my_amount_truth Truths) p1) ) )