# 0.1.11 (15-01-2024) * Fix parsing files that start with leading spaces * Fix parsing `TEST` unary operator in conditions * Fix parsing lower-case operators (`and`, `or` etc) * Parse bracket strings (multiline strings) * Ignore trailing commas after string literals `"string",` - This technically changes the meaning of the document - However, the trailing comma is invalid syntax # 0.1.10 (02-01-2024) * Fix parenthesis bugs * Fix bracket comment edge-case * Fix comment newline handling bugs * Fix parsing comments within conditions # 0.1.9 (31-12-2023) * Fixes to parsing parenthesis in commands * Fixes to parsing strings and escape sequences * Adds support for CMake multi-line bracket comments # 0.1.8 (14-12-2023) * Fixes to parsing errors and improvements to error reporting # 0.1.7 (13-12-2023) * Add in-place flag # 0.1.6 (13-12-2023) * Improve quality of formatting boolean expressions # 0.1.5 (11-12-2023) * Fix bugs with nested parenthesis and if statement arg printing # 0.1.4 (10-12-2023) * Improve output quality # 0.1.3 (10-12-2023) * Fix foreach handling # 0.1.2 (10-12-2023) * Fix broken variable handling # 0.1.1 (10-12-2023) * Fix if statements and some parenthesis handling # 0.1.0 (10-12-2023) * Initial release