// // Rewrite examples with rust_cmd_lib from // https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/os/external.html // use cmd_lib::*; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; #[cmd_lib::main] fn main() -> CmdResult { cmd_lib::set_pipefail(false); // do not fail due to pipe errors // Run an external command and process stdout run_cmd!(git log --oneline | head -5)?; // Run an external command passing it stdin and check for an error code run_cmd!(echo "import this; copyright(); credits(); exit()" | python)?; // Run piped external commands let directory = std::env::current_dir()?; println!( "Top 10 biggest files and directories in '{}':\n{}", directory.display(), run_fun!(du -ah . | sort -hr | head -n 10)? ); // Redirect both stdout and stderr of child process to the same file run_cmd!(ignore ls . oops &>out.txt)?; run_cmd!(rm -f out.txt)?; // Continuously process child process' outputs spawn_with_output!(journalctl)?.wait_with_pipe(&mut |pipe| { BufReader::new(pipe) .lines() .filter_map(|line| line.ok()) .filter(|line| line.find("usb").is_some()) .take(10) .for_each(|line| println!("{}", line)); })?; Ok(()) }