use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use anyhow::anyhow; use anyhow::Result; use cmd_lib::{run_cmd, run_fun}; use speculoos::assert_that; use speculoos::iter::ContainingIntoIterAssertions; use speculoos::option::OptionAssertions; use cocogitto::git::tag::Tag; use cocogitto::settings::{MonoRepoPackage, Settings}; use cocogitto::CONFIG_PATH; pub fn init_monorepo(settings: &mut Settings) -> Result<()> { let mut packages = HashMap::new(); packages.insert( "one".to_string(), MonoRepoPackage { path: PathBuf::from("one"), ..Default::default() }, ); settings.packages = packages; let settings = toml::to_string(&settings)?; git_init()?; run_cmd!( echo $settings > cog.toml; git add .; git commit -m "chore: first commit"; mkdir one; echo "changes" > one/file; git add .; git commit -m "feat: package one feature"; )?; Ok(()) } /// - Init a repository in the current directory /// - Setup a local git user named Tom pub fn git_init() -> Result<()> { run_cmd!( git init -b master; git config --local commit.gpgsign false; git config --local Tom; git config --local; )?; Ok(()) } /// - Init a repository in the given path /// - Change the current directory to the newly created repository /// - Setup a local git user named Tom pub fn git_init_and_set_current_path(path: &str) -> Result<()> { run_cmd!( git init $path; cd $path; git config --local commit.gpgsign false; )?; std::env::set_current_dir(path).expect("Unable to move into to test repository"); Ok(()) } /// Can be used to make assertion on 'git status' output. pub fn git_status() -> Result { run_fun!(git status).map_err(|e| anyhow!(e)) } /// Write the given content to the provided path and add it to the git index pub fn git_add>(content: &str, path: S) -> Result<()> where S: ToString, { let path = path.to_string(); run_cmd!( echo "writing $content to $path"; echo $content > $path; git add $path; ) .map_err(|e| anyhow!(e)) } /// Create an empty git commit and return its sha1 pub fn git_commit(message: &str) -> Result { run_fun!( git commit --allow-empty -q -m $message; git log --format=%H -n 1; ) .map_err(|e| anyhow!(e)) } pub fn git_tag(tag: &str) -> Result<()> { run_cmd!( git tag $tag; ) .map_err(|e| anyhow!(e)) } pub fn assert_tag_exists(tag: &str) -> Result<()> { let tags = run_fun!(git --no-pager tag)?; let tags: Vec<&str> = tags.split('\n').collect(); assert_that!(tags).contains(tag); Ok(()) } pub fn assert_tag_does_not_exist(tag: &str) -> Result<()> { let tags = run_fun!(git --no-pager tag)?; let tags: Vec<&str> = tags.split('\n').collect(); assert_that!(tags).does_not_contain(tag); Ok(()) } pub fn assert_latest_tag(tag: &str) -> Result<()> { let tags = run_fun!(git --no-pager tag)?; let tag = Tag::from_str(tag, None, None)?; let mut tags: Vec = tags .split('\n') .filter_map(|tag| Tag::from_str(tag, None, None).ok()) .collect(); tags.sort(); assert_that!(tags.last()).is_some().is_equal_to(&tag); Ok(()) } pub fn assert_tag_is_annotated(tag: &str) -> Result<()> { let objtype = run_fun!(git for-each-ref --format="%(objecttype)" refs/tags/$tag)?; let objtype: Vec<&str> = objtype.split('\n').collect(); assert_that!(objtype.first()).is_some().is_equal_to(&"tag"); Ok(()) } /// Git log showing only the HEAD commit message, this can be used to make assertion on the last commit pub fn git_log_head_message() -> Result { run_fun!(git log -1 --pretty=%B).map_err(|e| anyhow!(e)) } /// Git log showing only the HEAD commit sha, this can be used to make assertion on the last commit pub fn git_log_head_sha() -> Result { run_fun!(git log -1 --pretty=%H).map_err(|e| anyhow!(e)) } /// Create an empty `cog.toml` config file in the current directory pub fn create_empty_config() -> Result<()> { std::fs::File::create(CONFIG_PATH)?; Ok(()) }