#:schema https://docs.cocogitto.io/cog-schema.json # For a reference of possible values: https://docs.cocogitto.io/config/ # A list of glob patterns describing branches on which semver bump are allowed branch_whitelist = ["main"] # Ignore merge commits from conventional commit checks ignore_merge_commits = true # A list of command to run BEFORE creating a version. # All change generated by those commands will be committed with the generated version commit. # `{{version}}` will be interpretted as your target version pre_bump_hooks = [ "cargo test", "cargo clippy", "cargo fmt --all", "cargo set-version {{version}}", "cargo run --features docgen --bin cog-doc json-schema > website/public/cog-schema.json", "cargo build --release", ] # A list of command to run AFTER creating a version. # `{{version}}` will be interpretted as your target version post_bump_hooks = [ "git push", "git push origin {{version}}", "cargo package", "cargo publish" ] # A custom named bump profile, the inner post/pre bump hook will be used # instead of the main ones when running `cog bump --hook-profile example --auto` [bump_profiles.example] pre_bump_hooks = [ "echo 'bumping from {{latest}} to {{version}} using a named profile'" ] post_bump_hooks = [ "echo 'we are done'" ] # Shareable git-hooks, can be installed using `cog install-hook --all` # or alternatively `cog install-hooks {commit_hook_type} [git_hooks.commit-msg] script = """#!/bin/sh set -e echo "[Check current commit message]" cog verify --file $1 echo "[Conventional commit check]" cog check echo "[Format code]" cargo fmt -v --all --check echo "[Lints]" cargo clippy """ # An optional list of additional allowed commit type # `cog commit {commit_type}` commit command will be generated at runtime [commit_types] ex = { changelog_title = "This is the markdown title for `ex` commit type" } [changelog] path = "CHANGELOG.md" template = "remote" remote = "github.com" repository = "cocogitto" owner = "cocogitto" # Optional contributor list # intended to map git signature to remote username # and generate changelog links to their remote profiles authors = [ { signature = "Paul Delafosse", username = "oknozor" }, { signature = "Jack Dorland", username = "jackdorland" }, { signature = "Mike Lubinets", username = "mersinvald" }, { signature = "Marcin Puc", username = "tranzystorek-io" }, { signature = "Renault Fernandes", username = "renaultfernandes" }, { signature = "Pieter Joost van de Sande", username = "pjvds" }, { signature = "orhun", username = "orhun" }, { signature = "Danny Tatom", username = "its-danny" }, { signature = "Clément Poissonnier", username = "cpoissonnier" }, { signature = "Luke Hsiao", username = "lukehsiao" }, { signature = "Caleb Maclennan", username = "alerque" }, { signature = "Zshoham", username = "Zshoham" }, { signature = "darlaam", username = "darlaam" }, { signature = "Stephen Connolly", username = "stephenc" }, { signature = "Luca Trevisani", username = "lucatrv" }, { signature = "Racci", username = "DaRacci" }, { signature = "Conrad Hoffmann", username = "bitfehler" }, { signature = "andre161292", username = "andre161292" }, { signature = "Sanchith Hegde", username = "SanchithHegde" }, { signature = "Wassim Ahmed-Belkacem", username = "Wassim-AB" }, ]