use anyhow::{ensure, Result}; use tree_sitter::Query; use code_blocks::{get_query_subtrees, Block, BlockTree}; #[path = "../"] mod test_utils; use test_utils::{build_tree, copy_item_above}; const TSX_QUERY_STRINGS: [&str; 6] = [ "( (comment)* @header . (class_declaration) @item)", "( (comment)* @header . (method_definition) @item)", "( (comment)* @header . (function_declaration) @item)", "( (comment)* @header . (export_statement) @item)", "(jsx_element) @item", "(jsx_self_closing_element) @item", ]; fn tsx_queries() -> [Query; 6] { TSX_QUERY_STRINGS .map(|q| Query::new(tree_sitter_typescript::language_tsx(), q).expect("invalid query")) } #[test] fn test_get_query_subtrees() { let text = r#" export default function App() { return (
); } "#; let tree = build_tree(text, tree_sitter_typescript::language_tsx()); let subtrees = get_query_subtrees(&tsx_queries(), &tree, text); fn get_tree_blocks(subtree: &BlockTree, blocks: &mut Vec, text: &str) { blocks.push(text[subtree.block.byte_range()].to_string()); for child in &subtree.children { get_tree_blocks(child, blocks, text); } } let mut blocks = vec![]; for t in &subtrees { get_tree_blocks(t, &mut blocks, text); } insta::assert_yaml_snapshot!(blocks); } fn preserve_scope(s: &Block, d: &Block) -> Result<()> { ensure!( s.head().parent() == d.head().parent(), "Blocks have different parents" ); Ok(()) } snapshot!( test_move_block, tree_sitter_typescript::language_tsx(), tsx_queries(), preserve_scope, r#" export default function App() { return ( <> !!! stuff in here is also part of the syntax tree !!! !!! stuff in here is also part of the syntax tree !!! ); } "# ); snapshot!( test_move_block_outside_scope, tree_sitter_typescript::language_tsx(), tsx_queries(), r#" export default function App() { return ( <>
!!! stuff in here is also part of the syntax tree !!!
!!! stuff in here is also part of the syntax tree !!! ); } "# );