use clap::Parser; use code_it_later_rs::{ args::*, datatypes::{Bread, Crumb}, *, }; #[test] fn test_rs_file() { let args = Args::parse_from(vec!["codeitlater", "-x", "target", "./tests/testcases/"]); let conf = config::Config::from(&args); assert_eq!( fs_operation::handle_files(conf).collect::>(), vec![Bread::new( "./tests/testcases/".to_string(), vec![ Crumb::new(1, 0, "this is rust".to_string(), "/*".to_string()), Crumb::new(4, 0, "this is also rust".to_string(), "///".to_string()) ] )] ); } #[test] fn test_py_file() { let args = Args::parse_from(vec![ "codeitlater", "-x", "target", "--", "./tests/testcases/", ]); let conf = config::Config::from(&args); assert_eq!( fs_operation::handle_files(conf).collect::>(), vec![Bread::new( "./tests/testcases/".to_string(), vec![Crumb::new( 1, 0, "this is python".to_string(), "#".to_string() ),] )] ); } #[test] fn test_go_file() { let args = Args::parse_from(vec![ "codeitlater", "-x", "target", "--", "./tests/testcases/test.go", ]); let conf = config::Config::from(&args); assert_eq!( fs_operation::handle_files(conf).collect::>(), vec![Bread::new( "./tests/testcases/test.go".to_string(), vec![ Crumb::new( 3, 0, "this line can be read by codeitlater".to_string(), "//".to_string() ), Crumb::new( 4, 0, "MARK: you can left keyword to marked comment line".to_string(), "//".to_string() ) ] )] ); }