# Coded chars This crate implements the ECMA-48 standard for coded characters in rust. Various constructions are provided to easily add control character and sequences inside text. This crate is compatible with "ANSI terminals". This crate does not use a concept of "styles" or any kind of abstraction other than ones defined in the standard. ### Standard implemented - [ecma-48](https://ecma-international.org/publications-and-standards/standards/ecma-48/) - Control Functions for Coded Character Sets ### Documentation [On docs.rs](https://docs.rs/coded-chars/latest/coded_chars/) ### An example ```rust use crate::clear_screen; use crate::cursor::set_position; use crate::presentation::{format_str, select_graphic}; // Direct format println!("Hello {}World{} !", select_graphic().fg_red().bold().underline(), select_graphic().default()); // Clear screen clear_screen(); // Using format_str let formatted = format_str( "World", select_graphic().fg_red().bold().underline() ); println!("Hello {} !", formatted); set_position(5, 1).exec(); println!("This line is printed on the fifth line."); ``` ### Current status This crate development is achieved. Contact the author at [dev@trehinos.eu](mailto:dev@trehinos.eu). ### License © 2024 Sébastien Geldreich MIT License