version = "0.3.2" [scripts] build.cmd = "cargo build" build.desc = "builds the project" test.cmd = "cargo watch -x \"test\"" test.desc = "runs automated tests for the project" dev.cmd = ["cd src", "cargo run -- %%"] dev.desc = "tests the project with the given arguments" check.cmd = "cargo check && cargo fmt -- --check && cargo clippy && cargo test" check.desc = "validates the code (same checks as on CI)" release.cmd = "standard-version --sign --commit-all && git push --follow-tags %% origin main" release.desc = "increments the git version of the project and pushes it (update version throughout project first)" release-bx.cmd = "standard-version --commit-all && git push --follow-tags %% origin main" release-bx.desc = "increments the git version of the project and pushes it (update version throughout project first)" publish.cmd = "cargo publish %%" publish.desc = "publishes the binary to"