use clap::Parser; use rust_embed::EmbeddedFile; use rust_embed::RustEmbed; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::ErrorKind; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use toml::Value; extern crate fs_extra; use fs_extra::dir::CopyOptions; use fs_extra::TransitProcess; #[derive(RustEmbed)] #[folder = "dist/"] struct Asset; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Output folder #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = String::from("dist"))] target: String, /// Manifest file #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = String::from("codestage.toml"))] manifest: String, #[arg(short, long)] prefix: Option, } fn verify_chapter( content: &toml::map::Map, indent: usize, target: &str, ) -> bool { if !content.contains_key("title") { println!("Toml Format Error: A Chapter must have a title."); return false; } else { println!( "{:indent$}{}", "", content.get("title").unwrap(), indent = indent ); } if content.contains_key("folder") { if let Some(folder) = content.get("folder") { if let toml::Value::String(folder_str) = folder { let mut options = CopyOptions::new(); options.overwrite = true; let handle = |_process_info: TransitProcess| { //println!("{}", process_info.total_bytes); fs_extra::dir::TransitProcessResult::ContinueOrAbort }; match fs_extra::copy_items_with_progress(&[folder_str], &target, &options, handle) { Ok(_r) => {} Err(e) => { println!( "Warning: Can't copy folder {} to {}. {}", &folder_str, &target, &e ); } } } else { println!("Toml Format Error: A folder must be a string."); return false; } } } if content.contains_key("files") { let mut has_seen_index = false; if let toml::Value::Array(files) = content.get("files").unwrap() { for f in files { if let toml::Value::Table(ref file) = f { if !file.contains_key("filename") { println!("Toml Format Error: A file must contain a filename."); return false; } else { if let toml::Value::String(filename) = file.get("filename").unwrap() { if filename == "index.html" { has_seen_index = true; } } else { println!("Toml Format Error: Filename must be a string."); return false; } } } } } if has_seen_index == false { println!("Toml Format Error: There must be a index.html in each folder."); return false; } } if content.contains_key("sub_chapters") { if let toml::Value::Array(content) = content.get("sub_chapters").unwrap() { for c in content { if let toml::Value::Table(c) = c { if !verify_chapter(c, indent + 2, target) { return false; } } else { println!("Toml Format Error: A sub chapter must be a map type."); } } return true; } else { println!("Toml Format Error: Sub chapter field must have an array type."); } } return true; } fn fetch_filecontent( path: &PathBuf, f: &EmbeddedFile, title: &str, version: &str, url: &str, description: &str, meta_image: &str, prefix_str: &str, ) -> Vec { if let Some(ext) = path.extension() { if let Some(filename) = path.file_name() { if filename == "index.html" { let content = String::from_utf8_lossy(&; let mut rendered = content.replace("{{_codestage_title_}}", title); rendered = rendered.replace("{{_codestage_description_}}", description); rendered = rendered.replace("{{_codestage_meta_image_}}", meta_image); rendered = rendered.replace("{{_codestage_url_}}", url); rendered = rendered.replace("{{_codestage_version_}}", version); if prefix_str.len() == 0 { if let Some(_) = content.find("/$$_codestage_prefix_$$") { rendered = rendered.replace("/$$_codestage_prefix_$$", ""); } } if let Some(_) = content.find("$$_codestage_prefix_$$") { rendered = rendered.replace("$$_codestage_prefix_$$", prefix_str); } return rendered.as_bytes().to_vec(); } } if ext == "html" || ext == "js" || ext == "css" { let mut content = String::from_utf8_lossy(&; if prefix_str.len() == 0 { if let Some(_) = content.find("/$$_codestage_prefix_$$") { content = content.replace("/$$_codestage_prefix_$$", "").into(); } } if let Some(_) = content.find("$$_codestage_prefix_$$") { content = content.replace("$$_codestage_prefix_$$", prefix_str).into(); } return content.as_bytes().to_vec(); } } return; } fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); // println!( " ___ _ __ _ / __\\___ __| | ___ / _\\ |_ __ _ __ _ ___ / / / _ \\ / _` |/ _ \\ \\ \\| __/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \\ / /__| (_) | (_| | __/ _\\ \\ || (_| | (_| | __/ \\____/\\___/ \\__,_|\\___| \\__/\\__\\__,_|\\__, |\\___| |___/ " ); const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); let contents = fs::read_to_string(args.manifest).expect("Should have been able to read the file"); let value = match contents.parse::() { Err(error) => { println!("Toml Parsing Error: {}", error.to_string()); return; } Ok(value) => value, }; if let toml::Value::Table(ref global) = value { let mut target_folder =; if global.contains_key("target") { if let Some(target) = global.get("target") { if let toml::Value::String(target_str) = target { target_folder = target_str.clone(); } } } let target_folder_exists = Path::new(&target_folder).exists(); if !target_folder_exists { fs::create_dir(&target_folder) .expect(format!("Unable to create target folder: {}.", &target_folder).as_str()); } else { let target_is_dir: bool = Path::new(&target_folder).is_dir(); if !target_is_dir { println!("Target {} is not a folder.", &target_folder); return; } } let prefix_str = if let Some(p) = args.prefix { p } else { String::from( global .get("prefix") .unwrap_or(&toml::Value::String("".to_string())) .as_str() .unwrap_or(""), ) }; let meta_image = if global.contains_key("meta_image") { let mut meta_image = String::new(); if let Some(meta_image_value) = global.get("meta_image") { if let toml::Value::String(meta_image_str) = meta_image_value { let meta_image_exists = Path::new(&meta_image_str).exists(); if meta_image_exists { let mut options = CopyOptions::new(); options.overwrite = true; match fs_extra::copy_items(&[meta_image_str], &target_folder, &options) { Ok(_r) => { meta_image = meta_image_str.clone(); } Err(e) => { println!( "Warning: Can't copy folder {} to {}. {}", &meta_image_str, &target_folder, &e ); } } } } } meta_image } else { String::new() }; let title = if global.contains_key("title") { let mut title = String::new(); if let Some(title_value) = global.get("title") { if let toml::Value::String(title_str) = title_value { title = title_str.clone(); } } title } else { String::new() }; let description = if global.contains_key("description") { let mut description = String::new(); if let Some(description_value) = global.get("description") { if let toml::Value::String(description_str) = description_value { description = description_str.clone(); } } description } else { String::new() }; let url = if global.contains_key("url") { let mut url = String::new(); if let Some(url_value) = global.get("url") { if let toml::Value::String(url_str) = url_value { url = url_str.clone(); } } url } else { String::new() }; for file in Asset::iter() { println!("{}/{}", &target_folder, file.as_ref()); let mut path = PathBuf::new(); path.push(&target_folder); path.push(file.as_ref()); let f = Asset::get(file.as_ref()).unwrap(); println!("fetch_filecontent {:?}", path); let data: Vec = fetch_filecontent( &path, &f, &title, VERSION, &url, &description, &meta_image, &prefix_str, ); if let Err(e) = fs::write(&path, &data) { println!("{:?}", e.kind()); match e.kind() { ErrorKind::NotFound => { fs::create_dir_all(path.parent().unwrap()).unwrap(); if let Err(e) = fs::write(format!("{}/{}", &target_folder, file.as_ref()), &data) { println!("Unable to write {} {}.", file.as_ref(), e.kind()); return; } } _ => { println!("Unable to write {} {}.", file.as_ref(), e.kind()); return; } } } } if !global.contains_key("title") { println!("Toml Format Error: Mandatory field \"title\" doesn't exist."); return; } if let Some(utilities) = global.get("utilities") { if let toml::Value::Array(ref utility_dirs) = utilities { for u in utility_dirs { if let toml::Value::String(u_str) = u { let mut options = CopyOptions::new(); options.overwrite = true; let handle = |_process_info: TransitProcess| { fs_extra::dir::TransitProcessResult::ContinueOrAbort }; match fs_extra::copy_items_with_progress( &[u_str], &target_folder, &options, handle, ) { Ok(_r) => {} Err(e) => { println!( "Warning: Can't copy folder {} to {}. {}", &u_str, &target_folder, &e ); } } } } } } let content = match global.get("content") { None => { println!("Warning: No content detected."); return; } Some(content) => content, }; if let toml::Value::Array(ref content) = content { for c in content { if let toml::Value::Table(ref chapter) = c { if verify_chapter(chapter, 0, &target_folder) == false { return; } } else { println!("Toml Format Error: A chapter needs to be a table format."); } } } let file = File::create(format!("{}/manifest.json", target_folder)).unwrap(); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(file, &value).expect("Unable to write the manifest file."); } else { println!("The input file doesn't contain configurations."); return; } }