# Coen A RegEx-based transpiler for markdown-like languages. ## Installation Coen is available in [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/coen) and can be installed using `Cargo`: ``` cargo install coen ``` ## Usage Use a template to create documents (for example, clone [this one](https://github.com/coenproject/coen-template-tex) for LaTeX) and add/modify your contents in the `*.coen` files. ### Setting variables You can set variables using the `set` command: ``` !set variable value ``` ### Adding definitions You can add definitions using the `def` command. Groups are captured with `(?P.+)` and can be replaced using `$group_name`. ``` !def blue\s(?P.+) gray $name ``` This one, for example, changes every instance of `blue *` into `gray *`. ## Transpilation Pass the path to the root file and supply an optional target location: ``` coen root.coen --target tgt/target.tex ``` You can also set the target location within the coen file with: ``` !set TARGET tgt/target.tex ``` Passing the target parameter in the command line will override this value.