# coinlive
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Coinlive is an interactive command line tool that displays live cryptocurrency prices. It can also display simple historical price charts.
The data is provided by the [Binance](binance.com) [Spot API](https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/). The CLI is written in [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) and relies heavily on the superb [tui](https://docs.rs/tui) library.
## Installation
Coinlive is published to [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/coinlive), so the installation is very easy:
1. Install Rust. If you don't already have Rust installed, follow the instructions on [rustup.rs](https://rustup.rs/).
2. Issue `cargo install coinlive`. This will install the executable in `$HOME/.cargo/bin/`.
If you get errors about `Decimal32` and `Decimal64` you probably have an older Rust version (<1.51, also see [lib.rs](https://lib.rs/crates/coinlive) for the likely minimum supported rust version "MSRV"). In this case please update the Rust compiler (`rustup update`).
## Usage
### Prices List
The price list page is the default page, it shows cryptocurrency prices updated in 1s intervals.
The cryptocurrency symbols are sorted by trading volume. When the quote currency is missing `USDT` is implied, for example `BTC` stands for `BTCUSDT` and `ETH` stands for `ETHUSDT`.
This is the default page. It can also be reached at any time by pressing `l`.
#### Compact notation for small prices
Some currency pairs have very small prices, for example `SHIBUSDT` at 0.000000734. These small numbers are difficult to read (how many zeros are there?) and take a lot of screen real estate. Therefore, a compact notation was adopted. For example, 0.000000734 is shown as 6\734, meaning there are 6 zeros after the decimal point before the first non-zero digit. Here are some examples:
- **2**\61226 is 0.**00**61226
- **3**\31772 is 0.**000**31772
- **4**\871 is 0.**0000**871
- **5**\1557 is 0.**00000**1557
### Prices Table
Prices are displayed in a grid. Vertically the base currency is shown, and horizontally the quote currency. For example, `BTCUSDT` has base currency `BTC` and quote currency `USDT`, and a price of 37000 means that 1 `BTC` is worth 37000 `USDT` Only the active markets are shown.
The price table can be reached by pressing `t`. By default the quote currencies shown are `USDT`, `BTC`, `EUR`, `GBP`, `BNB`, `ETH`, this is called the extended view. There is also a reduced view that only shows `USDT`, `BTC`, `BNB`, `ETH`. Toggle between extended and reduced view by pressing `x` ("e**x**tended").
### Percentages
Prices list and prices table can also show the 24h percentage change. Press `%` to toggle between price and percentage view.
### Historical Price Chart
The historical price chart is shown when pressing `g` or a number `0`...`9`. `0` shows the last 1000 one-minute bars `1` shows the last 1000 5-minute bars, and so on. See the table below. `g` shows the graph of the currently selected symbol and time interval. On start the default is `BTCUSDT` 1-min bars.
The time scales can be selected with the keys `0`...`9` as follows:
| Key | Interval | Approx. time period |
| ---- | -------- | ------------------- |
| 0 | 1 min | 17 hours |
| 1 | 5 min |3.5 days|
| 2 | 15 min |10 days|
| 3 | 30 min |3 weeks|
| 4 | 1 h |6 weeks|
| 5 | 2 h |12 weeks|
| 6 | 4 h |5.5 months|
| 7 | 8 h |11 months|
| 8 | 12 h |16 months|
| 9 | 1 d |2 years 9 months|
| g | currently selected | |
By default the most liquid currency pair (usually `BTCUSDT`) is shown.
Note that the chart is static. You have to press `g` to refresh it.
#### Symbol selection
To select another currency pair, press `s`. Highlight the desired pair by moving the cursor. After pressing return the price chart for the selected pair is shown.
### Help
Press `h` to see the help page.
## Command Summary
| Key | Command | Remarks |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| h | Display **h**elp | |
| l | Show prices **I**ist | |
| t | Show prices **t**able | |
| g | Show **g**raph of current symbol and time-scale | Default symbol `BTCUSDT`, time-scale 1min |
| 0..9 | Show graph at time-scale 1min...1day | See table above |
| s | **S**elect symbol | |
| Home | Set cursor to top left symbol | For select symbol page only |
| % | Toggle percent/price display | For list and table and views only |
| x | Toggle e**x**tended/reduced view | For table view only |
| a | Show **a**bout page | |
| Esc | Go back to previous view | |
| q, Ctrl-c | Quit | |
## Todo/Ideas
- Use `Decimal64` in Graph page instead of `f64`
- Live update price chart, or at least show price update in the message bar?
- Some currency information, such as market cap, would be nice. [Coincap](coincap.io) has an open [API](https://docs.coincap.io/).
## Disclaimers
There is no connection to [coinlive.io]() or [coinlive.com]().