use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; enum CollectdVersion { Collectd57, } fn main() { let collectd_version = detect_collectd_version(); let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let version = match collectd_version.as_str() { "5.12" | "5.11" | "5.10" | "5.9" | "5.8" | "5.7" => CollectdVersion::Collectd57, x => panic!("Unrecognized collectd version: {}", x), }; bindings(out_path.join(""), version); } #[cfg(feature = "stub")] fn detect_collectd_version() -> String { String::from("5.7") } #[cfg(not(feature = "stub"))] fn detect_collectd_version() -> String { use regex::Regex; use std::process::Command; println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=COLLECTD_VERSION"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=COLLECTD_PATH"); if let Some(path) = env::var_os("COLLECTD_PATH") { let re = Regex::new(r"^(\d+\.\d+).\d+").expect("Valid collectd regex"); let mut script = PathBuf::from(path.clone()); script.push(""); return script .as_path() .canonicalize() .and_then(|p| Command::new(p).current_dir(path).output()) .map(|x| String::from_utf8(x.stdout).expect("Collectd output to be utf8")) .map(|x| { re.captures(&x) .expect("Version info to be present in") .get(1) .map(|x| String::from(x.as_str())) .unwrap() }) .expect( " did not execute successfully. \ Ensure that COLLECTD_PATH points to a collectd source directory", ); } let re = Regex::new(r"collectd (\d+\.\d+)\.\d+").expect("Valid collectd regex"); env::var_os("COLLECTD_VERSION") .map(|x| { x.into_string() .expect("COLLECTD_VERSION to be a valid string") }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { Command::new("collectd") .args(["-h"]) .output() .map(|x| String::from_utf8(x.stdout).expect("Collectd output to be utf8")) .map(|x| { re.captures(&x) .expect("Version info to be present in collectd") .get(1) .map(|x| String::from(x.as_str())) .unwrap() }) .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("5.7")) }) } #[cfg(feature = "bindgen")] fn bindings(loc: PathBuf, version: CollectdVersion) { let mut builder = bindgen::Builder::default().header("wrapper.h"); if let Some(path) = env::var_os("COLLECTD_PATH") { let mut linker = String::from("-I"); linker.push_str(&path.to_string_lossy()); linker.push_str("/src"); // collectd loves to reference "collectd.h" when they are in very different directories so // we add another path let mut linker2 = String::from("-I"); linker2.push_str(&path.to_string_lossy()); linker2.push_str("/src/daemon"); builder = builder .clang_arg(linker) .clang_arg(linker2) .clang_arg("-DCOLLECTD_PATH"); } else { let arg = match version { CollectdVersion::Collectd57 => "-DCOLLECTD_57", }; builder = builder.clang_arg("-DHAVE_CONFIG_H").clang_arg(arg); } builder .rust_target(bindgen::RustTarget::Stable_1_33) .allowlist_type("cdtime_t") .allowlist_type("data_set_t") .allowlist_type("meta_data_t") .allowlist_function("plugin_.*") .allowlist_function("uc_get_rate") .allowlist_function("meta_data_.*") .allowlist_var("OCONFIG_TYPE_.*") .allowlist_var("LOG_.*") .allowlist_var("DS_TYPE_.*") .allowlist_var("DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN") .allowlist_var("MD_TYPE_.*") .generate() .expect("Unable to generate bindings") .write_to_file(&loc) .expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); if env::var("COLLECTD_OVERWRITE").is_ok() { std::fs::copy(&loc, version_to_path(version)).unwrap(); } } #[cfg(not(feature = "bindgen"))] fn bindings(loc: PathBuf, version: CollectdVersion) { use std::fs; let path = version_to_path(version); fs::copy(PathBuf::from(path), loc).expect("File to copy"); } fn version_to_path(version: CollectdVersion) -> &'static str { match version { CollectdVersion::Collectd57 => "src/", } }