{ "contractName": "ColonyNetworkDataTypes", "abi": [ { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "auction", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "token", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "quantity", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "AuctionCreated", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "colonyId", "type": "uint256" }, { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "colonyAddress", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "token", "type": "address" } ], "name": "ColonyAdded", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "colony", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "label", "type": "bytes32" } ], "name": "ColonyLabelRegistered", "type": "event" }, { 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"event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "metaColony", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "token", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "rootSkillId", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "MetaColonyCreated", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "miningCycleResolver", "type": "address" } ], "name": "MiningCycleResolverSet", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "feeInverse", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "NetworkFeeInverseSet", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "ens", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "rootNode", "type": "bytes32" } ], "name": "RegistrarInitialised", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "miner", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokensLost", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "ReputationMinerPenalised", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "hash", "type": "bytes32" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "nLeaves", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "ReputationMiningCycleComplete", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "inactiveReputationMiningCycle", "type": "address" } ], "name": "ReputationMiningInitialised", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "amount", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "ReputationMiningRewardSet", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "newHash", "type": "bytes32" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "newNLeaves", "type": "uint256" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address[]", "name": "stakers", "type": "address[]" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "reward", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "ReputationRootHashSet", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "skillId", "type": "uint256" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "parentSkillId", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "SkillAdded", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "tokenLocking", "type": "address" } ], "name": "TokenLockingAddressSet", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "address", "name": "token", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "bool", "name": "status", "type": "bool" } ], "name": "TokenWhitelisted", "type": "event" }, { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "user", "type": "address" }, { "indexed": false, "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "label", "type": "bytes32" } ], "name": "UserLabelRegistered", "type": "event" } ], "devdoc": { "events": { "AuctionCreated(address,address,uint256)": { "details": "Emitted from `IColonyNetwork.startTokenAuction` function", "params": { "auction": "Address of the created auction contract", "quantity": "Quantity of `token` to auction", "token": "Address of the token for auction" } }, "ColonyAdded(uint256,address,address)": { "details": "Emitted from `IColonyNetwork.createColony` function", "params": { "colonyAddress": "The colony address in the network", "colonyId": "The colony id in the network", "token": "Address of the associated colony token" } }, "ColonyLabelRegistered(address,bytes32)": { "params": { "colony": "The colony address registered", "label": "The label registered" } }, "ColonyNetworkInitialised(address)": { "params": { "resolver": "The Resolver contract address used by the Colony version 1" } }, "ColonyVersionAdded(uint256,address)": { "params": { "resolver": "The new colony contract resolver contract instance", "version": "The new int colony version, e.g. 2, 3, 4, etc" } }, "ExtensionAddedToNetwork(bytes32,uint256)": { "params": { "extensionId": "The identifier for the extension", "version": "The version of the extension" } }, "ExtensionDeprecated(bytes32,address,bool)": { "params": { "colony": "The address of the colony", "deprecated": "Whether the extension is deprecated or not", "extensionId": "The identifier for the extension" } }, "ExtensionInstalled(bytes32,address,uint256)": { "params": { "colony": "The address of the colony", "extensionId": "The identifier for the extension", "version": "The version of the extension" } }, "ExtensionUninstalled(bytes32,address)": { "params": { "colony": "The address of the colony", "extensionId": "The identifier for the extension" } }, "ExtensionUpgraded(bytes32,address,uint256)": { "params": { "colony": "The address of the colony", "extensionId": "The identifier for the extension", "version": "The new version of the extension" } }, "MetaColonyCreated(address,address,uint256)": { "params": { "metaColony": "Address of the MetaColony instance (i.e. EtherRouter)", "rootSkillId": "Id of the root skill of the global skills tree, normally this is 2 Note that the speciat mining skill is created at rootSkillId + 1, so normally this is 3 Skill id 1 is normally the local skill associate with meta colony domain 1", "token": "Address of the associated CLNY token" } }, "MiningCycleResolverSet(address)": { "params": { "miningCycleResolver": "Resolver address for the ReputationMiningCycle contract" } }, "NetworkFeeInverseSet(uint256)": { "params": { "feeInverse": "The network fee inverse value" } }, "RegistrarInitialised(address,bytes32)": { "params": { "ens": "Address of ENS registrar", "rootNode": "Namehash of the root node for the domain" } }, "ReputationMiningCycleComplete(bytes32,uint256)": { "params": { "hash": "The root hash of the newly accepted reputation state", "nLeaves": "The number of leaves in the reputation state" } }, "ReputationMiningInitialised(address)": { "params": { "inactiveReputationMiningCycle": "Address of the newly created ReputationMiningCycle used in logging reputation changes" } }, "ReputationMiningRewardSet(uint256)": { "params": { "amount": "Amount of the reward" } }, "ReputationRootHashSet(bytes32,uint256,address[],uint256)": { "params": { "newHash": "The reputation root hash", "newNLeaves": "The updated leaves count value", "reward": "Amount of CLNY distributed as reward to miners", "stakers": "Array of users who submitted or backed the hash accepted" } }, "SkillAdded(uint256,uint256)": { "details": "Emitted from `IColonyNetwork.addSkill` function", "params": { "parentSkillId": "The id of the parent skill under which this new skill is added", "skillId": "The skill id" } }, "TokenLockingAddressSet(address)": { "params": { "tokenLocking": "Address of the TokenLocking contract" } }, "TokenWhitelisted(address,bool)": { "params": { "status": "The whitelist status", "token": "The token being set" } }, "UserLabelRegistered(address,bytes32)": { "params": { "label": "The label registered", "user": "The user address registered" } } }, "kind": "dev", "methods": {}, "version": 1 }, "userdoc": { "events": { "AuctionCreated(address,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when a new auction is created and started" }, "ColonyAdded(uint256,address,address)": { "notice": "Event logged when a new colony is added" }, "ColonyLabelRegistered(address,bytes32)": { "notice": "Event logged when a \"colony.joincolony.eth\" label is registered" }, "ColonyNetworkInitialised(address)": { "notice": "Event logged when the colony network is intialised. This is only ever emitted once in a network's lifetime" }, "ColonyVersionAdded(uint256,address)": { "notice": "Event logged when a new colony contract version is set" }, "ExtensionAddedToNetwork(bytes32,uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when a new extension resolver is added to the network" }, "ExtensionDeprecated(bytes32,address,bool)": { "notice": "Event logged when an extension is (un)deprecated in a colony" }, "ExtensionInstalled(bytes32,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when an extension is installed in a colony" }, "ExtensionUninstalled(bytes32,address)": { "notice": "Event logged when an extension is uninstalled from a colony" }, "ExtensionUpgraded(bytes32,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when an extension is upgraded in a colony" }, "MetaColonyCreated(address,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when the MetaColony is created" }, "MiningCycleResolverSet(address)": { "notice": "Event logged when the Colony Network ReputationMiningCycleResolver contract address is set" }, "NetworkFeeInverseSet(uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when the network fee inverse is set" }, "RegistrarInitialised(address,bytes32)": { "notice": "Event logged when the ENS registrar is initialised" }, "ReputationMiningCycleComplete(bytes32,uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when a reputation mining cycle completes" }, "ReputationMiningInitialised(address)": { "notice": "Event logged when the Reputation mining process is initialised" }, "ReputationMiningRewardSet(uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when the mining reward is set" }, "ReputationRootHashSet(bytes32,uint256,address[],uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when a new reputation root hash is set by the reputation mining process" }, "SkillAdded(uint256,uint256)": { "notice": "Event logged when a new skill is added" }, "TokenLockingAddressSet(address)": { "notice": "Event logged when the Colony Network TokenLocking contract address is set" }, "TokenWhitelisted(address,bool)": { "notice": "Event logged when the payout whitelist is updated" }, "UserLabelRegistered(address,bytes32)": { "notice": "Event logged when a \"user.joincolony.eth\" label is registered" } }, "kind": "user", "methods": {}, "version": 1 } }