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"_childSkillIndex": "For the domain in which the motion is occurring", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_permissionDomainId": "The domain where the extension has the arbitration permission", "_staker": "The staker whose reward is being claimed", "_vote": "The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" } }, "createDomainMotion(uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_action": "A bytes array encoding a function call", "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_childSkillIndex": "The childSkillIndex pointing to the domain of the action", "_domainId": "The domain where we vote on the motion", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the domain", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the domain" } }, "createMotion(uint256,uint256,address,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_action": "A bytes array encoding a function call", "_altTarget": "The contract to which we send the action (0x0 for the colony)", "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_childSkillIndex": "The childSkillIndex pointing to the domain of the action", "_domainId": "The domain where we vote on the motion", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the root domain", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the root domain" } }, "createRootMotion(address,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_action": "A bytes array encoding a function call", "_altTarget": "The contract to which we send the action (0x0 for the colony)", "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the root domain", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the root domain" } }, "escalateMotion(uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_childSkillIndex": "For the current domain, relative to the escalated domain", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the new domain", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_newDomainId": "The desired domain of escalation", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the new domain" } }, "failingExecutionAllowed(uint256)": { "details": "We are only expecting this to be called from finalize motion in the contracts. It is marked as public only so that the frontend can use it.", "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion" } }, "getEscalationPeriod()": { "returns": { "_0": "The escalation period" } }, "getExpenditureMotionCount(bytes32)": { "params": { "_structHash": "The hash of the expenditureId or expenditureId*expenditureSlot" }, "returns": { "_0": "The number of ongoing motions" } }, "getExpenditurePastVote(bytes32)": { "params": { "_actionHash": "The hash of the particular expenditure action" }, "returns": { "_0": "The largest past vote on this variable" } }, "getMaxVoteFraction()": { "returns": { "_0": "The max vote fraction" } }, "getMotion(uint256)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion" }, "returns": { "motion": "The motion struct" } }, "getMotionCount()": { "returns": { "_0": "The total motion count" } }, "getMotionState(uint256)": { "returns": { "_0": "The current motion state" } }, "getRevealPeriod()": { "returns": { "_0": "The reveal period" } }, "getStake(uint256,address,uint256)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_staker": "The staker address", "_vote": "The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" }, "returns": { "_0": "The user's stake" } }, "getStakePeriod()": { "returns": { "_0": "The stake period" } }, "getStakerReward(uint256,address,uint256)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_staker": "The staker's address", "_vote": "The vote (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" }, "returns": { "_0": "The staker reward and the reputation penalty (if any)" } }, "getSubmitPeriod()": { "returns": { "_0": "The submit period" } }, "getTotalStakeFraction()": { "returns": { "_0": "The total stake fraction" } }, "getUserMinStakeFraction()": { "returns": { "_0": "The user min stake fraction" } }, "getVoterReward(uint256,uint256)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_voterRep": "The reputation the voter has in the domain" }, "returns": { "_0": "The voter reward" } }, "getVoterRewardFraction()": { "returns": { "_0": "The voter reward fraction" } }, "getVoterRewardRange(uint256,uint256,address)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_voterAddress": "The address the user will be voting as", "_voterRep": "The reputation the voter has in the domain" }, "returns": { "_0": "The voter reward" } }, "initialise(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)": { "params": { "_escalationPeriod": "The length of the escalation period in seconds", "_maxVoteFraction": "The fraction of the domain's reputation which must submit for quick-end", "_revealPeriod": "The length of the reveal period in seconds", "_stakePeriod": "The length of the staking period in seconds", "_submitPeriod": "The length of the submit period in seconds", "_totalStakeFraction": "The fraction of the domain's reputation we need to stake", "_userMinStakeFraction": "The minimum per-user stake as fraction of total stake", "_voterRewardFraction": "The fraction of the total stake paid out to voters as rewards" } }, "install(address)": { "params": { "_colony": "Base colony for the installation" } }, "revealVote(uint256,bytes32,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the staker/domain", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_salt": "The salt used to hash the vote", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the staker/domain", "_vote": "The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" } }, "stakeMotion(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_amount": "The amount of tokens being staked", "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_childSkillIndex": "For the domain in which the motion is occurring", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the staker/domain", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_permissionDomainId": "The domain where the extension has the arbitration permission", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the staker/domain", "_vote": "The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" } }, "submitVote(uint256,bytes32,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the staker/domain", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the staker/domain", "_voteSecret": "The hashed vote secret" } }, "version()": { "returns": { "_0": "The version number" } } }, "version": 1 }, "userdoc": { "kind": "user", "methods": { "claimReward(uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Claim the staker's reward" }, "createDomainMotion(uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Create a motion in any domain (DEPRECATED)" }, "createMotion(uint256,uint256,address,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Create a motion" }, "createRootMotion(address,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Create a motion in the root domain (DEPRECATED)" }, "deprecate(bool)": { "notice": "Called when deprecating (or undeprecating) the extension" }, "escalateMotion(uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Escalate a motion to a higher domain" }, "finishUpgrade()": { "notice": "Called when upgrading the extension" }, "getEscalationPeriod()": { "notice": "Get the escalation period" }, "getExpenditureMotionCount(bytes32)": { "notice": "Get the number of ongoing motions for a single expenditure / expenditure slot" }, "getExpenditurePastVote(bytes32)": { "notice": "Get the largest past vote on a single expenditure variable" }, "getMaxVoteFraction()": { "notice": "Get the max vote fraction" }, "getMotion(uint256)": { "notice": "Get the data for a single motion" }, "getMotionCount()": { "notice": "Get the total motion count" }, "getMotionState(uint256)": { "notice": "Get the current state of the motion" }, "getRevealPeriod()": { "notice": "Get the reveal period" }, "getStake(uint256,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Get a user's stake on a motion" }, "getStakePeriod()": { "notice": "Get the stake period" }, "getStakerReward(uint256,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Get the staker reward" }, "getSubmitPeriod()": { "notice": "Get the submit period" }, "getTotalStakeFraction()": { "notice": "Get the total stake fraction" }, "getUserMinStakeFraction()": { "notice": "Get the user min stake fraction" }, "getVoterReward(uint256,uint256)": { "notice": "Get the voter reward NB This function will only return a meaningful value if in the reveal state. Prior to the reveal state, getVoterRewardRange should be used." }, "getVoterRewardFraction()": { "notice": "Get the voter reward fraction" }, "getVoterRewardRange(uint256,uint256,address)": { "notice": "Get the range of potential rewards for a voter on a specific motion, intended to be used when the motion is in the reveal state. Once a motion is in the reveal state the reward is known, and getVoterRewardRange should be used." }, "identifier()": { "notice": "Returns the identifier of the extension" }, "initialise(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)": { "notice": "Initialise the extension" }, "install(address)": { "notice": "Install the extension" }, "revealVote(uint256,bytes32,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Reveal a vote secret for a motion" }, "stakeMotion(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Stake on a motion" }, "submitVote(uint256,bytes32,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Submit a vote secret for a motion" }, "uninstall()": { "notice": "Called when uninstalling the extension" }, "version()": { "notice": "Return the version number" } }, "version": 1 } }