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"_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_permissionDomainId": "The domain where the extension has the arbitration permission", "_staker": "The staker whose reward is being claimed", "_vote": "The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" } }, "createDomainMotion(uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_action": "A bytes array encoding a function call", "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_childSkillIndex": "The childSkillIndex pointing to the domain of the action", "_domainId": "The domain where we vote on the motion", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the domain", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the domain" } }, "createMotion(uint256,uint256,address,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_action": "A bytes array encoding a function call", "_altTarget": "The contract to which we send the action (0x0 for the colony)", "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_childSkillIndex": "The childSkillIndex pointing to the domain of the action", "_domainId": "The domain where we vote on the motion", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the root domain", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the root domain" } }, "createRootMotion(address,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_action": "A bytes array encoding a function call", "_altTarget": "The contract to which we send the action (0x0 for the colony)", "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the root domain", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the root domain" } }, "escalateMotion(uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_childSkillIndex": "For the current domain, relative to the escalated domain", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the new domain", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_newDomainId": "The desired domain of escalation", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the new domain" } }, "executeMetaTransaction(address,bytes,bytes32,bytes32,uint8)": { "params": { "_payload": "Function call to make via meta transaction", "_sigR": "R part of the signature", "_sigS": "S part of the signature", "_sigV": "V part of the signature", "_user": "Address of user trying to do meta transaction" } }, "failingExecutionAllowed(uint256)": { "details": "We are only expecting this to be called from finalize motion in the contracts. It is marked as public only so that the frontend can use it.", "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion" } }, "getEscalationPeriod()": { "returns": { "_0": "The escalation period" } }, "getExpenditureMotionCount(bytes32)": { "params": { "_structHash": "The hash of the expenditureId or expenditureId*expenditureSlot" }, "returns": { "_0": "The number of ongoing motions" } }, "getExpenditurePastVote(bytes32)": { "params": { "_actionHash": "The hash of the particular expenditure action" }, "returns": { "_0": "The largest past vote on this variable" } }, "getMaxVoteFraction()": { "returns": { "_0": "The max vote fraction" } }, "getMotion(uint256)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion" }, "returns": { "motion": "The motion struct" } }, "getMotionCount()": { "returns": { "_0": "The total motion count" } }, "getMotionState(uint256)": { "returns": { "_0": "The current motion state" } }, "getRevealPeriod()": { "returns": { "_0": "The reveal period" } }, "getStake(uint256,address,uint256)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_staker": "The staker address", "_vote": "The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" }, "returns": { "_0": "The user's stake" } }, "getStakePeriod()": { "returns": { "_0": "The stake period" } }, "getStakerReward(uint256,address,uint256)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_staker": "The staker's address", "_vote": "The vote (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" }, "returns": { "_0": "The staker reward and the reputation penalty (if any)" } }, "getSubmitPeriod()": { "returns": { "_0": "The submit period" } }, "getTotalStakeFraction()": { "returns": { "_0": "The total stake fraction" } }, "getUserMinStakeFraction()": { "returns": { "_0": "The user min stake fraction" } }, "getVoterReward(uint256,uint256)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_voterRep": "The reputation the voter has in the domain" }, "returns": { "_0": "The voter reward" } }, "getVoterRewardFraction()": { "returns": { "_0": "The voter reward fraction" } }, "getVoterRewardRange(uint256,uint256,address)": { "params": { "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_voterAddress": "The address the user will be voting as", "_voterRep": "The reputation the voter has in the domain" }, "returns": { "_0": "The voter reward" } }, "initialise(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)": { "params": { "_escalationPeriod": "The length of the escalation period in seconds", "_maxVoteFraction": "The fraction of the domain's reputation which must submit for quick-end", "_revealPeriod": "The length of the reveal period in seconds", "_stakePeriod": "The length of the staking period in seconds", "_submitPeriod": "The length of the submit period in seconds", "_totalStakeFraction": "The fraction of the domain's reputation we need to stake", "_userMinStakeFraction": "The minimum per-user stake as fraction of total stake", "_voterRewardFraction": "The fraction of the total stake paid out to voters as rewards" } }, "install(address)": { "params": { "_colony": "Base colony for the installation" } }, "revealVote(uint256,bytes32,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the staker/domain", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_salt": "The salt used to hash the vote", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the staker/domain", "_vote": "The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" } }, "stakeMotion(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_amount": "The amount of tokens being staked", "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_childSkillIndex": "For the domain in which the motion is occurring", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the staker/domain", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_permissionDomainId": "The domain where the extension has the arbitration permission", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the staker/domain", "_vote": "The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY)" } }, "submitVote(uint256,bytes32,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "params": { "_branchMask": "The branchmask of the proof", "_key": "Reputation tree key for the staker/domain", "_motionId": "The id of the motion", "_siblings": "The siblings of the proof", "_value": "Reputation tree value for the staker/domain", "_voteSecret": "The hashed vote secret" } }, "version()": { "returns": { "_0": "The version number" } } }, "version": 1 }, "userdoc": { "kind": "user", "methods": { "claimReward(uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Claim the staker's reward" }, "createDomainMotion(uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Create a motion in any domain (DEPRECATED)" }, "createMotion(uint256,uint256,address,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Create a motion" }, "createRootMotion(address,bytes,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Create a motion in the root domain (DEPRECATED)" }, "deprecate(bool)": { "notice": "Called when deprecating (or undeprecating) the extension" }, "escalateMotion(uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Escalate a motion to a higher domain" }, "executeMetaTransaction(address,bytes,bytes32,bytes32,uint8)": { "notice": "Main function to be called when user wants to execute meta transaction. The actual function to be called should be passed as param with name functionSignature Here the basic signature recovery is being used. Signature is expected to be generated using personal_sign method." }, "finishUpgrade()": { "notice": "Called when upgrading the extension" }, "getEscalationPeriod()": { "notice": "Get the escalation period" }, "getExpenditureMotionCount(bytes32)": { "notice": "Get the number of ongoing motions for a single expenditure / expenditure slot" }, "getExpenditurePastVote(bytes32)": { "notice": "Get the largest past vote on a single expenditure variable" }, "getMaxVoteFraction()": { "notice": "Get the max vote fraction" }, "getMotion(uint256)": { "notice": "Get the data for a single motion" }, "getMotionCount()": { "notice": "Get the total motion count" }, "getMotionState(uint256)": { "notice": "Get the current state of the motion" }, "getRevealPeriod()": { "notice": "Get the reveal period" }, "getStake(uint256,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Get a user's stake on a motion" }, "getStakePeriod()": { "notice": "Get the stake period" }, "getStakerReward(uint256,address,uint256)": { "notice": "Get the staker reward" }, "getSubmitPeriod()": { "notice": "Get the submit period" }, "getTotalStakeFraction()": { "notice": "Get the total stake fraction" }, "getUserMinStakeFraction()": { "notice": "Get the user min stake fraction" }, "getVoterReward(uint256,uint256)": { "notice": "Get the voter reward NB This function will only return a meaningful value if in the reveal state. Prior to the reveal state, getVoterRewardRange should be used." }, "getVoterRewardFraction()": { "notice": "Get the voter reward fraction" }, "getVoterRewardRange(uint256,uint256,address)": { "notice": "Get the range of potential rewards for a voter on a specific motion, intended to be used when the motion is in the reveal state. Once a motion is in the reveal state the reward is known, and getVoterRewardRange should be used." }, "identifier()": { "notice": "Returns the identifier of the extension" }, "initialise(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)": { "notice": "Initialise the extension" }, "install(address)": { "notice": "Install the extension" }, "revealVote(uint256,bytes32,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Reveal a vote secret for a motion" }, "stakeMotion(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Stake on a motion" }, "submitVote(uint256,bytes32,bytes,bytes,uint256,bytes32[])": { "notice": "Submit a vote secret for a motion" }, "uninstall()": { "notice": "Called when uninstalling the extension" }, "version()": { "notice": "Return the version number" } }, "version": 1 } }