use std::{env, io::{BufWriter, Write}, fs::File, error::Error}; use color_brewery::RGBColor; use rgb::RGB8; use color_brewery::{Palette, ColorRange}; type Err = Box; fn css_string(c: RGB8) -> String { format!("#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", c.r, c.g, c.b) } fn table_of_colors(fh: &mut impl Write, colors: &Vec, width: u32, comment: &str) -> Result<(), Err> { writeln!(fh, "")?; for &c in colors { writeln!(fh, " ", css_string(c))?; } writeln!(fh, "")?; for &c in colors { let c = c.to_gray(); writeln!(fh, " ", css_string(c))?; } writeln!(fh, "
\ {comment}

")?; Ok(()) } fn range(fh: &mut impl Write, color: impl Fn(f64) -> RGB8, n: usize, width: u32, comment: &str) -> Result<(), Err> { let dt = 1. / (n - 1) as f64; let colors: Vec<_> = (0 .. n).map(move |i| color(i as f64 * dt)) .collect(); table_of_colors(fh, &colors, width, comment) } fn gradient(fh: &mut impl Write, c0: [u8; 3], c1: [u8; 3], n: usize, width: u32, comment: &str) -> Result<(), Err> { let c0 = RGB8{ r: c0[0], g: c0[1], b: c0[2] }; let c1 = RGB8{ r: c1[0], g: c1[1], b: c1[2] }; let g = c0.gradient(&c1); range(fh, |t| g.rgb(t), n, width, comment) } fn palette(fh: &mut impl Write, palette: Palette, n: usize, width: u32, comment: &str) -> Result<(), Err> { let g = palette.gradient(); range(fh, |t| g.rgb(t), n, width, comment) } fn main() -> Result<(), Err> { let mut fh = BufWriter::new(File::create("gradient.html")?); writeln!(fh, "\n\ \n\ Color_brewery: test {}\n\ \n\ ", env::args().next().unwrap())?; writeln!(fh, "


")?; range(&mut fh, |t| RGB8::HUE.rgb(t), 10, 43, "")?; range(&mut fh, |t| RGB8::HUE.rgb(t), 30, 13, "")?; range(&mut fh, |t| RGB8::HUE.rgb(t), 150, 1, "")?; writeln!(fh, "


")?; gradient(&mut fh, [94, 0, 99], [255, 235, 170], 10, 43, "")?; gradient(&mut fh, [94, 0, 99], [255, 235, 170], 30, 13, "")?; gradient(&mut fh, [94, 0, 99], [255, 235, 170], 150, 1, "")?; gradient(&mut fh, [255, 0, 0], [0, 0, 255], 150, 1, "")?; gradient(&mut fh, [255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], 150, 1, "Best to avoid red and green.")?; gradient(&mut fh, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255], 150, 1, "")?; gradient(&mut fh, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 255], 150, 1, "")?; gradient(&mut fh, [0, 0, 128], [144, 144, 255], 150, 1, "")?; writeln!(fh, "

Palettes (sequential and diverging)

")?; for (comment, p) in [("viridis", RGB8::viridis()), ("magma", RGB8::magma()), ("inferno", RGB8::inferno()), ("plasma", RGB8::plasma()), ("viridis", RGB8::viridis()), ("cividis", RGB8::cividis()), ("twilight", RGB8::twilight()), ("turbo", RGB8::turbo())] { palette(&mut fh, p, 256, 1, comment)?; } macro_rules! palette { ($($name: ident),*) => { $( if let Some(p) = RGB8::$name().last() { let c = format!("{} ({} colors)", stringify!($name), p.len()); table_of_colors(&mut fh, &p.colors(), 40, &c)?; palette(&mut fh, p, 128, 1, &format!("{} (interpolated)", stringify!($name)))?; } )* }} palette!(ylgn, ylgnbu, gnbu, bugn, pubugn, pubu, bupu, rdpu, purd, orrd, ylorrd, ylorbr, purples, blues, greens, oranges, reds, greys, // Diverging puor, brbg, prgn, piyg, rdbu, rdgy, rdylbu, spectral, rdylgn); writeln!(fh, "

Palettes (others)

")?; macro_rules! palette { ($($name: ident),*) => { $( if let Some(p) = RGB8::$name().last() { let c = format!("{} ({} colors)", stringify!($name), p.len()); table_of_colors(&mut fh, &p.colors(), 40, &c)?; } )* }} palette!(set1, pastel1, set2, pastel2, dark2, set3, paired, accent); writeln!(fh, "\n\ ")?; Ok(()) }