Colorous ======== [github]( []( []( [build status]( This crate provides a collection of sequential, diverging and categorical color schemes ported from [d3-scale-chromatic]. Each color scheme may be sampled using either a rational index `i/n` or a continuous float `0 ≤ t ≤ 1`. - `pub fn eval_rational(&self, i: usize, n: usize) -> Color` - `pub fn eval_continuous(&self, t: f64) -> Color` [d3-scale-chromatic]: viridis ## Example ```rust let gradient = colorous::VIRIDIS; for i in 0..100 { println!("{:x}", gradient.eval_rational(i, 100)); } ```
## Sequential (multi-hue) # colorous::TURBO turbo The “turbo” color scheme by [Anton Mikhailov]( # colorous::VIRIDIS viridis The “viridis” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by [van der Walt, Smith and Firing]( for matplotlib. # colorous::INFERNO inferno The “inferno” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by [van der Walt and Smith]( for matplotlib. # colorous::MAGMA magma The “magma” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by [van der Walt and Smith]( for matplotlib. # colorous::PLASMA plasma The “plasma” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by [van der Walt and Smith]( for matplotlib. # colorous::CIVIDIS cividis The “cividis” color vision deficiency-optimized color scheme designed by [Nuñez, Anderton, and Renslow]( # colorous::WARM warm A 180° rotation of [Niccoli’s perceptual rainbow]( # colorous::COOL cool [Niccoli’s perceptual rainbow]( # colorous::CUBEHELIX cubehelix [Green’s default Cubehelix]( # colorous::BLUE_GREEN BuGn # colorous::BLUE_PURPLE BuPu # colorous::GREEN_BLUE GnBu # colorous::ORANGE_RED OrRd # colorous::PURPLE_BLUE_GREEN PuBuGn # colorous::PURPLE_BLUE PuBu # colorous::PURPLE_RED PuRd # colorous::RED_PURPLE RdPu # colorous::YELLOW_GREEN_BLUE YlGnBu # colorous::YELLOW_GREEN YlGn # colorous::YELLOW_ORANGE_BROWN YlOrBr # colorous::YELLOW_ORANGE_RED YlOrRd
## Sequential (single-hue) # colorous::BLUES Blues # colorous::GREENS Greens # colorous::GREYS Greys # colorous::ORANGES Oranges # colorous::PURPLES Purples # colorous::REDS Reds
## Diverging # colorous::BROWN_GREEN BrBG # colorous::PURPLE_GREEN PRGn # colorous::PINK_GREEN PiYG # colorous::PURPLE_ORANGE PuOr # colorous::RED_BLUE RdBu # colorous::RED_GREY RdGy # colorous::RED_YELLOW_BLUE RdYlBu # colorous::RED_YELLOW_GREEN RdYlGn # colorous::SPECTRAL Spectral
## Cyclical # colorous::RAINBOW rainbow The cyclical [less-angry rainbow]( color scheme. # colorous::SINEBOW sinebow The “sinebow” color scheme by [Jim Bumgardner]( and [Charlie Loyd](
## Categorical Categorical color schemes are exposed simply as an array `[Color; N]`. # colorous::CATEGORY10 category10 # colorous::ACCENT Accent # colorous::DARK2 Dark2 # colorous::PAIRED Paired # colorous::PASTEL1 Pastel1 # colorous::PASTEL2 Pastel2 # colorous::SET1 Set1 # colorous::SET2 Set2 # colorous::SET3 Set3 # colorous::TABLEAU10 Tableau10 Ten categorical colors authored by Tableau as part of [Tableau 10](
## License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.