import json with open("colors.json") as f: colors = json.load(f) with open("colors.txt") as f: color_names = [ line.split('\t') for line in'\n') ] all_colors = [] all_colors_names = set() all_colors_rgbs = set() for rgb, _, name in color_names: r, g, b = rgb.split() if (r, g, b) in all_colors_rgbs: continue if ' ' in name: continue if name.startswith("X11"): continue if name.startswith("Web"): continue name = name.replace("Grey", "Gray") if name in all_colors_names: continue if name.lower() in [ "black" , "red" , "green" , "yellow" , "blue" , "magenta" , "cyan" , "white" , ]: continue has_num = any( x.isdigit() for x in name ) all_colors_names.add(name) all_colors.append(( (int(r), int(g), int(b)), name, has_num )) s = set() all_colors.sort(key=lambda a: a[2]) print(all_colors) new_colors_names = [] del colors[:16] while True: best_dist = float("inf") best_index = None best = None for i, current_color in enumerate(colors): color = current_color["rgb"] cr, cg, cb = color["r"], color["g"], color["b"] for j, ((r, g, b), name, _has_digit) in enumerate(all_colors): dist = (r - cr) ** 2 + (g - cg) ** 2 + (b - cb) ** 2 if best_dist > dist: best_dist = dist best_index = (i, j) if best_index is None: break print(best_dist) i, j = best_index better_name = all_colors[j][1] r, g, b, all_colors[j][0] better_name = better_name[0].upper() + better_name[1:] color = colors[i] test_color = f"\x1b[38;5;{color['colorId']}mtest\x1b[0m" test_color2 = f"\x1b[38;2;{r};{g};{b}mtest\x1b[0m" # if color["name"] == better_name: # print(test_color, "*", color["name"]) # else: # print(test_color, color["name"], better_name) s.add(better_name) new_colors_names.append(( test_color, best_dist, color, better_name, )) del all_colors[j] del colors[i] new_colors_names.sort(key=lambda arg: arg[2]["colorId"]) matched = 0 prefix = 0 for test_color, test_color2, color, better_name in new_colors_names: print(color["colorId"], better_name) # color["name"] = color["name"].replace("Grey", "Gray") # if color["name"] == better_name: # print(test_color, test_color2, "*", color["name"]) # matched += 1 # else: # if color["name"].startswith(better_name): # prefix += 1 # print(test_color, test_color2, color["name"], better_name) print(matched) print(prefix) print((matched + prefix) / 256)