{ "description": "Transformers for Apalache counterexamples (CEs) with Tendermint blockchains", "use": [ "tendermint.json" ], "input": [ { "name": "first_state", "description": "extract the first state from Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$.declarations[1].body.and | unwrap" }, { "name": "last_state", "description": "extract the last state from Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$.declarations[-2].body.and | unwrap" }, { "name": "history", "description": "extract the history from the last state of Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$last_state..[?(@.eq == 'history')].arg.atat..arg.record" }, { "name": "states", "description": "extract all state from Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$.declarations[1:-1].body.and" }, { "name": "lightblock_commits", "description": "extract commits from a LightClient block of Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$..[?(@.key.str == 'Commits')].value..str" }, { "name": "block_validators", "description": "extract validators from a block of Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$..[?(@.key.str == 'VS')].value..str" }, { "name": "block_next_validators", "description": "extract next validators from a block of Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$..[?(@.key.str == 'NextVS')].value..str" }, { "name": "block_height", "description": "extract height from a block of Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$..[?(@.key.str == 'height')].value | unwrap" }, { "name": "block_time", "description": "extract time from a block of Apalache CE", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$..[?(@.key.str == 'time')].value | unwrap" }, { "name": "id_to_validator", "description": "transform an identifier into a validator expected by `cometbft-testgen validator`", "kind": "INLINE", "source": { "id": "$", "voting_power": 50 } }, { "name": "id_to_vote", "description": "transform an identifier into a vote expected by `cometbft-testgen vote`", "kind": "INLINE", "source": { "validator": "$ | id_to_validator", "header": "$header" } }, { "name": "block_to_header", "description": "transform a block from Apalache CE into a header expected by `cometbft-testgen header`", "kind": "INLINE", "source": { "validators": "$ | block_validators | map(id_to_validator)", "next_validators": "$ | block_next_validators | map(id_to_validator)", "height": "$ | block_height", "time": "$ | block_time" } }, { "name": "block_to_commit", "description": "transform a block from Apalache CE into a commit expected by `cometbft-testgen commit`", "kind": "INLINE", "let": { "header": "$ | block_to_header" }, "source": { "header": "$header", "votes": "$ | lightblock_commits | map(id_to_vote)" } }, { "name": "ids_to_validators", "description": "transform a non-empty array of identifiers into Tendermint validators", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$ | map(id_to_validator) | map(tendermint_validator)" }, { "name": "ids_to_testgen_validators", "description": "transform a non-empty array of identifiers into `cometbft-testgen validators`", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$ | map(id_to_validator)" }, { "name": "empty_array", "description": "just an empty array", "kind": "INLINE", "source": [] }, { "name": "first_validator", "description": "extract first validator from a non-empty array of identifiers", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$[0] | unwrap | id_to_validator | tendermint_validator" }, { "name": "const_id", "description": "constant identifier", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "a" }, { "name": "fixed_validator", "description": "extract first validator from a non-empty array of identifiers", "kind": "INLINE", "source": "$const_id | id_to_validator | tendermint_validator" }, { "name": "ids_to_validator_set", "description": "transform an array of identifiers into a JSON-encoded Tendermint validator set", "kind": "INLINE", "source": { "validators": "$ | ifelse(ids_to_validators,empty_array)", "proposer": "$ | ifelse(first_validator,fixed_validator)", "total_voting_power": "0" } }, { "name": "block_to_signed_header", "description": "transform a block from Apalache CE into a JSON-encoded Tendermint signed header", "kind": "INLINE", "source": { "header": "$ | block_to_header | tendermint_header", "commit": "$ | block_to_commit | tendermint_commit" } } ] }