use comfy::*; // Unlike in many other examples, we'll need a custom GameState // to know if our music player is playing. simple_game!("Music Example", GameState, setup, update); // GameState can be any struct that can store any fields, only // requirement is that `GameState::new(c: &EngineContext)` exists. pub struct GameState { pub music_playing: bool, } impl GameState { pub fn new(_c: &mut EngineState) -> Self { Self { music_playing: false } } } // When we pass `GameState` to `simple_game` we now also have to accept // it as a parameter in `setup` and `update`. fn setup(_state: &mut GameState, _c: &mut EngineContext) { load_sound_from_bytes( "comfy-music", include_bytes!(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/../assets/comfy-music.ogg" )), StaticSoundSettings::new().loop_region(..), ); } fn update(state: &mut GameState, c: &mut EngineContext) { let (color, action) = if state.music_playing { (RED, "stop") } else { (WHITE, "play") }; draw_text( &format!("Press Space to {} music", action), vec2(0.0, 1.0), color, TextAlign::Center, ); if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) { if state.music_playing { stop_sound("comfy-music"); } else { play_sound("comfy-music"); } state.music_playing = !state.music_playing; } draw_text( &format!("Press W/S to adjust master volume: {:.2}", master_volume()), vec2(0.0, 0.0), WHITE, TextAlign::Center, ); if is_key_down(KeyCode::W) { change_master_volume(1.0 * as f64); } if is_key_down(KeyCode::S) { change_master_volume(-1.0 * as f64); } }