use crate::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Trail { pub positions: Vec, pub last_vertex_at: Vec2, pub z_index: i32, pub is_enabled: bool, pub trail_length: f32, pub width: f32, pub color_start: Color, pub color_end: Color, pub max_vertices: usize, pub fade_start_distance: f32, pub fade_end_distance: f32, pub width_curve: Option, pub color_curve: Option, pub texture: Option, pub blend_mode: BlendMode, } impl Trail { pub fn new( width: f32, trail_length: f32, z_index: i32, color_start: Color, color_end: Color, max_vertices: usize, fade_start_distance: f32, fade_end_distance: f32, // width_curve: Option, color_curve: Option, texture: Option, blend_mode: BlendMode, ) -> Self { Self { positions: vec![], last_vertex_at: Vec2::ZERO, z_index, is_enabled: true, trail_length, width, color_start, color_end, max_vertices, fade_start_distance, fade_end_distance, width_curve: None, color_curve, texture, blend_mode, } } pub fn simple( width: f32, trail_length: f32, z_index: i32, color_start: Color, color_end: Color, ) -> Self { Self::new( width, trail_length, z_index, color_start, color_end, 100, 0.0, 0.0, None, None, BlendMode::Additive, ) } pub fn update(&mut self, position: Vec2, _delta: f32) { if self.is_enabled { let distance = (position - self.last_vertex_at).length(); let min_vertex_distance = self.trail_length / self.max_vertices as f32; if self.positions.is_empty() { self.positions.push(position); self.last_vertex_at = position; } else if distance > min_vertex_distance { // The number of interpolation steps is the distance divided by min_vertex_distance, rounded up let num_steps = (distance / min_vertex_distance).ceil() as usize; for i in 1..=num_steps { // Compute the interpolated position let t = i as f32 / num_steps as f32; let interpolated_position = self.last_vertex_at * (1.0 - t) + position * t; self.positions.push(interpolated_position); } let mut total_distance = self.total_distance(); while self.positions.len() > 2 && total_distance > self.trail_length { self.positions.remove(0); total_distance = self.total_distance(); } self.last_vertex_at = position; // self.positions.push(position); // // let mut total_distance = self.total_distance(); // // while self.positions.len() > 2 && // total_distance > self.trail_length // { // self.positions.remove(0); // total_distance = self.total_distance(); // } // // self.last_vertex_at = position; } // self.positions.push(position); } else if let Some(first_position) = self.positions.first() { if (*first_position - position).length() > self.trail_length { self.positions.remove(0); } } } fn total_distance(&self) -> f32 {|w| (w[0] - w[1]).length()).sum() } pub fn draw_mesh(&self) { if self.positions.len() <= 1 { return; } let tex = self.texture.unwrap_or(texture_id("1px")); // let tex = texture_id("1px"); // let mut trail_length = 0.0; let mut vertices = vec![]; for (i, (a, b)) in self.positions.iter().tuple_windows().enumerate() { let n = self.positions.len() as f32; // let step = 1.0 / n; let pct = i as f32 / n; let off = 2.0 * (get_unpaused_time() as f32 % 1.0); let width_pct_a = self .width_curve .as_ref() .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct)) .unwrap_or(pct); // let width_pct_b = self // .width_curve // .as_ref() // .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct + step)) // .unwrap_or(pct + step); let color = self .color_curve .as_ref() .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct)) .unwrap_or(self.color_start.lerp(self.color_end, 1.0 - pct)); // If the trail is not enabled, fade the color out based on the distance let color = if self.is_enabled { color } else { let distance_pct = (i as f32 / n).powi(2); color.darken(distance_pct) }; let p1 = Position::world(a.x, a.y); let p2 = Position::world(b.x, b.y); let (x1, y1) = p1.to_world().tuple(); let (x2, y2) = p2.to_world().tuple(); let dx = x2 - x1; let dy = y2 - y1; let nx = -dy; let ny = dx; let tlen = (nx * nx + ny * ny).sqrt(); if tlen < std::f32::EPSILON { return; } let nxn = nx / tlen; let nyn = ny / tlen; let start_thickness = self.width * width_pct_a; // let end_thickness = self.width * width_pct_b; let tx1 = nxn * start_thickness * 0.5; let ty1 = nyn * start_thickness * 0.5; // let tx2 = nxn * end_thickness * 0.5; // let ty2 = nyn * end_thickness * 0.5; let z = self.z_index as f32; // let wrapped_y_uv_start = uv_offset % 1.0; // let wrapped_y_uv_end = (uv_offset + uv_size) % 1.0; let start = off + pct; // let uv_size = step; // let start = uv_offset; // let end = start + uv_size; let top_left = vec3(x1 + tx1, y1 + ty1, z); let bottom_left = vec3(x1 - tx1, y1 - ty1, z); vertices.push(SpriteVertex::new(top_left, vec2(0.0, start), color)); vertices.push(SpriteVertex::new( bottom_left, vec2(1.0, start), color, )); // draw_line_tex_y_uv_flex( // // 1.0, // // 1.0, // // color * alpha, // color, // Some(tex), // self.z_index, // TextureParams { // blend_mode: self.blend_mode, // ..Default::default() // }, // ); } let indices = Self::generate_triangle_list_indices(vertices.len()); draw_mesh_ex( Mesh { // TODO: might want the average instead origin: self .positions .last() .copied() .unwrap_or_default() .extend(self.z_index as f32), vertices: vertices.into(), indices: indices.into(), z_index: self.z_index, texture: Some(tex), y_sort_offset: 0.0, }, BlendMode::Additive, ); } fn generate_triangle_list_indices(n: usize) -> Vec { let mut indices = Vec::with_capacity(2 * (n - 2)); let mut is_even = true; for i in 1..(n as u32 - 1) { if is_even { indices.push(i - 1); indices.push(i); indices.push(i + 1); } else { indices.push(i + 1); indices.push(i); indices.push(i - 1); } is_even = !is_even; } indices } // pub fn draw(&self) { // if self.positions.len() <= 1 { // return; // } // // let tex = self.texture.unwrap_or(texture_id("trail")); // // let tex = texture_id("1px"); // // let mut trail_length = 0.0; // // // let mesh = vec![]; // // for (i, (a, b)) in self.positions.iter().tuple_windows().enumerate() { // let n = self.positions.len() as f32; // let step = 1.0 / n; // let pct = i as f32 / n; // // let off = 2.0 * get_unpaused_time() as f32; // // let width_pct_a = self // .width_curve // .as_ref() // .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct)) // .unwrap_or(pct); // // let width_pct_b = self // .width_curve // .as_ref() // .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct + step)) // .unwrap_or(pct + step); // // // let width_pct_a = pct; // // let width_pct_b = pct + step; // // let color = self // .color_curve // .as_ref() // .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct)) // .unwrap_or(self.color_start.lerp(self.color_end, 1.0 - pct)); // // trail_length += (*b - *a).length(); // // let fade_start = trail_length - self.fade_start_distance; // let fade_end = trail_length - self.fade_end_distance; // // let alpha = if trail_length < self.fade_start_distance { // 1.0 // } else if trail_length > self.fade_end_distance { // 0.0 // } else { // 1.0 - (fade_start / (fade_end - fade_start)) // }; // // draw_line_tex_y_uv_flex( // Position::world(a.x, a.y), // Position::world(b.x, b.y), // self.width * width_pct_a, // self.width * width_pct_b, // // 1.0, // // 1.0, // // color * alpha, // color, // Some(tex), // off + pct, // step, // self.z_index, // TextureParams { // blend_mode: self.blend_mode, // ..Default::default() // }, // ); // } // } // pub fn draw(&self) { // if self.positions.len() <= 1 { // return; // } // // // let tex = self.texture.unwrap_or(texture_id("trail")); // let tex = texture_id("1px"); // // let mut trail_length = 0.0; // // for (i, (a, b)) in self.positions.iter().tuple_windows().enumerate() { // let n = self.positions.len() as f32; // let step = 1.0 / n; // let pct = i as f32 / n; // // let off = 2.0 * get_unpaused_time() as f32; // // let width_pct = self // .width_curve // .as_ref() // .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct)) // .unwrap_or(pct); // // let width_pct_a = self // .width_curve // .as_ref() // .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct)) // .unwrap_or(pct); // let width_pct_b = self // .width_curve // .as_ref() // .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct + step)) // .unwrap_or(pct + step); // // let color = self // .color_curve // .as_ref() // .map(|curve| curve.eval(pct)) // .unwrap_or(self.color_start.lerp(self.color_end, 1.0 - pct)); // // trail_length += (*b - *a).length(); // // let fade_start = trail_length - self.fade_start_distance; // let fade_end = trail_length - self.fade_end_distance; // // let alpha = if trail_length < self.fade_start_distance { // 1.0 // } else if trail_length > self.fade_end_distance { // 0.0 // } else { // 1.0 - (fade_start / (fade_end - fade_start)) // }; // // draw_line_tex_y_uv_flex( // Position::world(a.x, a.y), // Position::world(b.x, b.y), // self.width * width_pct_a, // self.width * width_pct_b, // color * alpha, // Some(tex), // (off + pct)..(off + pct + step), // self.z_index, // TextureParams { // blend_mode: self.blend_mode, // ..Default::default() // }, // ); // // // draw_line_tex_y_uv( // // Position::world(a.x, a.y), // // Position::world(b.x, b.y), // // self.width * width_pct, // // color * alpha, // // Some(tex), // // (off + pct)..(off + pct + step), // // self.z_index, // // TextureParams { // // blend_mode: self.blend_mode, // // ..Default::default() // // }, // // ); // } // } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Curve { pub points: Vec<(f32, f32)>, pub wrap: bool, } impl Curve { pub fn eval(&self, t: f32) -> f32 { let len = self.points.len(); if len == 0 { return 0.0; } if len == 1 { return self.points[0].1; } let x_min = self.points.first().unwrap().0; let x_max = self.points.last().unwrap().0; let t_normalized = t * (x_max - x_min) + x_min; if t_normalized <= x_min { if self.wrap { let (x0, y0) = self.points[len - 1]; let (x1, y1) = self.points[0]; return y0 + (t_normalized - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); } else { return self.points[0].1; } } if t_normalized >= x_max { if self.wrap { let (x0, y0) = self.points[len - 1]; let (x1, y1) = self.points[0]; return y0 + (t_normalized - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); } else { return self.points[len - 1].1; } } for i in 1..len { if t_normalized <= self.points[i].0 { let (x0, y0) = self.points[i - 1]; let (x1, y1) = self.points[i]; return y0 + (t_normalized - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); } } 0.0 } } // impl Curve { // pub fn eval(&self, t: f32) -> f32 { // let len = self.points.len(); // if len == 0 { // return 0.0; // } // if len == 1 { // return self.points[0].1; // } // if t <= self.points[0].0 { // if self.wrap { // let (x0, y0) = self.points[len - 1]; // let (x1, y1) = self.points[0]; // return y0 + (t - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); // } else { // return self.points[0].1; // } // } // if t >= self.points[len - 1].0 { // if self.wrap { // let (x0, y0) = self.points[len - 1]; // let (x1, y1) = self.points[0]; // return y0 + (t - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); // } else { // return self.points[len - 1].1; // } // } // for i in 1..len { // if t <= self.points[i].0 { // let (x0, y0) = self.points[i - 1]; // let (x1, y1) = self.points[i]; // return y0 + (t - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); // } // } // return 0.0; // } // } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ColorCurve { pub gradient: Vec<(Color, f32)>, } impl ColorCurve { pub fn new(gradient: Vec<(Color, f32)>) -> Self { Self { gradient } } pub fn eval(&self, t: f32) -> Color { if t <= 0.0 { return self.gradient[0].0; } if t >= 1.0 { return self.gradient.last().unwrap().0; } for i in 1..self.gradient.len() { let (prev_color, prev_pos) = self.gradient[i - 1]; let (next_color, next_pos) = self.gradient[i]; if t <= next_pos { let factor = (t - prev_pos) / (next_pos - prev_pos); return prev_color.lerp(next_color, factor); } } // This should never be reached, as t is already checked for >= 1.0 return self.gradient.last().unwrap().0; } }