### common_regex_rs A Rust library that provides a collection of functions for validating common types of strings, such as emails, passwords, URLs, and more. It uses the regex crate to perform the regular expression matching. #### Usage To use the library, add common_regex_rs as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file and include the library in your project: ``` extern crate common_regex_rs; use common_regex_rs::*; ``` Then, you can call the various functions provided by the library to check if a given string matches a certain pattern. For example, to check if a string is a valid email address: ```rust let email = "example@email.com"; let is_valid = is_email(email); ``` Here is the list of all the functions that are provided by the library: - 'is_positive_int' : check if the input string is a positive integer. - 'is_int' : check if the input string is an integer. - 'is_decimal_num' : check if the input string is decimal number. - 'is_num' : check if the input string is a number. - 'is_alpha_numeric' : check if the input string is alphanumeric. - 'is_alpha_numeric_with_space' : check if the input string is alphanumeric with spaces. - 'is_email' : check if the input string is a valid email address. - 'is_good_password' : check if the input string is a good password with atleast 8 characters, one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit and one special character. - 'is_username' : check if the input string is valid username with length between 4 and 20 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores. - 'is_url' : check if the input string is a URL with the http or https protocol. #### Notes - Please be careful when using regular expressions, as they can be a source of security vulnerabilities if not used properly. - For more complex validation, it is recommended to use a dedicated library such as validator. - The is_url function is commented out because it is not matching all valid URLs, if you need a function to check URLs, please use a library such as url or hyper. #### License This library is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.