PWD:=$(shell pwd) COVER_REPORT_FILE_PATH:=$(PWD)/target/llvm-cov/html/index.html # ------------------------ # Compile and run # ------------------------ # Cargo check all packages check: cargo check --release # Cargo fmt all packages fmt: cargo fmt --all # Cargo clippy all packages lint: cargo clippy # ------------------------ # Tests # ------------------------ # Unit tests without code cov test: cargo test -p compiler_base_* # Unit tests with code cov (Requires rust 1.60+) codecov: rustup component add llvm-tools-preview cargo install cargo-llvm-cov cargo llvm-cov --workspace --ignore-filename-regex --html --open # Unit tests with code cov and output the lcov file (Requires rust 1.60+) codecov-lcov: rustup component add llvm-tools-preview cargo install cargo-llvm-cov mkdir $(PWD)/.compiler_base cargo llvm-cov --lcov --output-path $(PWD)/.compiler_base/ --workspace --ignore-filename-regex