# Command-Line Help for `complate` This document contains the help content for the `complate` command-line program. **Command Overview:** * [`complate`↴](#complate) * [`complate man`↴](#complate-man) * [`complate autocomplete`↴](#complate-autocomplete) * [`complate init`↴](#complate-init) * [`complate schema`↴](#complate-schema) * [`complate render`↴](#complate-render) ## `complate` A rusty text templating application for CLIs. **Usage:** `complate [OPTIONS] ` ###### **Subcommands:** * `man` — Renders the manual. * `autocomplete` — Renders shell completion scripts. * `init` — Initializes a dummy default configuration in "./.complate/config.yaml". * `schema` — Renders the configuration schema. * `render` — Renders a template by replacing values as specified by the configuration. ###### **Options:** * `-e`, `--experimental ` — enables experimental features ## `complate man` Renders the manual. **Usage:** `complate man --out --format ` ###### **Options:** * `-o`, `--out ` * `-f`, `--format ` Possible values: `manpages`, `markdown` ## `complate autocomplete` Renders shell completion scripts. **Usage:** `complate autocomplete --out --shell ` ###### **Options:** * `-o`, `--out ` * `-s`, `--shell ` Possible values: `bash`, `zsh`, `fish`, `elvish`, `powershell` ## `complate init` Initializes a dummy default configuration in "./.complate/config.yaml". **Usage:** `complate init` ## `complate schema` Renders the configuration schema. **Usage:** `complate schema` ## `complate render` Renders a template by replacing values as specified by the configuration. **Usage:** `complate render [OPTIONS]` ###### **Options:** * `-c`, `--config ` — The configuration file to use. Default value: `./.complate/config.yaml` * `-t`, `--template