# Rust Library for Compressing Structs and Enums. A rust library for compressing and decompressing structs and enums. Note that the library is still under heavy development and breaking changes may occur. ## Description The library is not complete yet, For now only struct with unsigned integers fields are supported. Many more will come. Stay tune. ## Installation Put this into your cargo.toml ``` [dependencies] comprez_macro = 0.2.7 comprez = 0.2.7 ``` ## Example ``` use comprez_macro::Comprezable; use comprez::comprezable::Comprezable; #[derive(Comprezable, Debug, Clone)] struct MyStruct { [#maxNum=10000] //Compulsory for each integer field except for u8 num1: u32, [#maxNum=888] num2: u16, [#maxNum=100] num3: i8, //use i8 instead of u8 other_struct: OtherStruct, vec1: Vec, vec2: Vec, enum1: MyEnum::Num5(10) } #[derive(Comprezable, Debug, Clone)] struct OtherStruct { #[maxNum=1000000] num4: u128, } #[derive(Comprezable, Debug, Clone)] enum MyEnum { #[maxNum=100] Num5(u32), Vec3(Vec) } fn main() { let demo_data = Mystruct { num1: 900, num2: 100, num3: 10, other_struct: OtherStruct { num4: 200 }, vec1: vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], vec2: vec![OtherStruct{num4: 100}, OtherStruct{num4: 200}], }; let compressed = demo_data.compress().unwrap(); let compressed_bytes = compressed.to_bytes(); let compressed_binaries = compressed.to_binaries(); let compressed = Compressed::from_bytes(compressed_bytes); let compressed = Compressed::from_binaries(compressed_binaries); let decompressed = Mystruct::decompressed(compressed).unwrap(); println!("{:?}", decompressed); } ``` ## Performance TODO! ## Features - [x] Unsigned - [x] Signed - [x] Vec::u8 - [x] Vec of Comprezable(s) - [x] enums - [ ] Async Write/Read - [ ] Even numbers - [ ] Strings - [ ] Slices & Vectors ## Credits - Vector of u8 are compressed using LZ4 flex library. ## A coffee? [!["Buy Me A Coffee"](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/orange_img.png)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/najidnadri)