use std::{ collections::{HashSet, VecDeque}, time::Duration, }; /// run with `cargo run --example minesweeper` /// /// in minecraft: /// place a monitor on the top of a computer /// run `ws_control p1 14111` use computercraft_websocket_control::{ serve_tick_func, utils::{AsIfPixel, LocalMonitor, Vec2d}, ColorId, Direction, Errors, Event, Port, Ports, Side, ToErrorsResult, }; use rand::random; use stupid_utils::{predule::MutableInit, select::DotSelect}; const CLEAR_COLOR: ColorId = ColorId::White; const TEXT_COLOR: ColorId = ColorId::Yellow; const TEXT_BACKGROUND: ColorId = ColorId::Black; const MONITOR_SIDE: Side = Side::Top; fn main() { env_logger::Builder::new() .filter_module( "computercraft_websocket_control::get_router_with_tick_func", log::LevelFilter::Debug, ) .filter_module( "computercraft_websocket_control::get_router", log::LevelFilter::Trace, ) .filter_module("computercraft_websocket_control", log::LevelFilter::Debug) .init(); serve_tick_func( &([127, 0, 0, 1], 14111).into(), tick, ( LocalMonitor::new(0, 0, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(CLEAR_COLOR)), GameState::StartUp, ), ); } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] enum GameState { StartUp, JustStarted { x: usize, y: usize }, Running(GameRunningState), Failed(GameRunningState), Successed(GameRunningState), Invalid, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct GameRunningState { size_x: usize, size_y: usize, field: Vec2d, uncovered: Vec2d, marked: Vec2d, selected_tool: Tool, total_mines: usize, } impl GameState { fn take_grs(&mut self) -> Option { let mut old = Self::Invalid; std::mem::swap(self, &mut old); match old { GameState::Running(grs) => Some(grs), _ => None, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] enum Tool { Mark, SafeMark, Uncover, } impl Tool { pub fn switch(&mut self) { match self { Tool::Mark => *self = Tool::SafeMark, Tool::SafeMark => *self = Tool::Uncover, Tool::Uncover => *self = Tool::Mark, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] enum Block { Mine, Safe, Surround(u8), } async fn tick( state: &mut (LocalMonitor, GameState), mut ports: Ports<'_>, _dt: Duration, ) -> Result<(), Errors> { let (monitor, game) = state; let mut p1 = ports.get_port("p1").to_errors_result()?; let (size_x, size_y) = p1 .monitor_get_size(MONITOR_SIDE) .await? .to_errors_result()?; if size_x != monitor.x() || size_y != monitor.y() { monitor.resize(size_x, size_y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(CLEAR_COLOR)); *game = GameState::StartUp; } game_logic(game, monitor, &mut p1).await?; monitor.sync(MONITOR_SIDE, &mut p1).await?; Ok(()) } const BORDER_COLOR: ColorId = ColorId::Green; const BORDER_COLOR_FAIL: ColorId = ColorId::Red; const BORDER_COLOR_SUCCESS: ColorId = ColorId::Yellow; const MINE_CHANCE: usize = 50; async fn game_logic( game: &mut GameState, monitor: &mut LocalMonitor, port: &mut Port<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Errors> { 'm: { match game { GameState::Invalid => { panic!() } GameState::StartUp => { let start = "start"; let (size_x, size_y) = monitor.size(); let starty = size_y / 2 + 1; let startx = (size_x.max(5) - 5) / 2 + 1; monitor.clear_with(CLEAR_COLOR); monitor.write_str( startx, starty, Direction::PosX, start, TEXT_BACKGROUND, TEXT_COLOR, ); if let Some(Event::MonitorTouch { side: MONITOR_SIDE, .. }) = port.pull_event().await? { monitor.clear_with(CLEAR_COLOR); for x in 1..=monitor.x() { monitor.write(x, 1, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR)); monitor.write(x, monitor.y(), AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR)); } for y in 1..=monitor.y() { monitor.write(1, y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR)); monitor.write(monitor.x(), y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR)); } *game = GameState::JustStarted { x: (monitor.x() - 2) as usize, y: (monitor.y() - 2) as usize, }; } } GameState::JustStarted { x: ref size_x, y: ref size_y, } => { let (click_x, click_y) = if let Some(Event::MonitorTouch { side: MONITOR_SIDE, x, y, }) = port.pull_event().await? { if x >= 2 && y >= 2 && x - 2 < *size_x as u16 && y - 2 < *size_y as u16 { (x - 2, y - 2) } else { break 'm; } } else { break 'm; }; let (click_x, click_y) = (click_x as usize, click_y as usize); let field = Vec2d::new_filled_copy(*size_x, *size_y, Block::Safe).mutable_init(|vec| { vec.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, b)| { let rand = random::() & MINE_CHANCE == 0; *b =, Block::Safe); }); vec[(click_x, click_y)] = Block::Safe; for (x, y) in vec.iter_index() { if let Block::Safe = vec[x][y] { let dxdy = [ (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), ]; let mut mine_count = 0; { let (x, y) = (x as isize, y as isize); for (dx, dy) in dxdy { let x = x + dx; let y = y + dy; mine_count += if x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < vec.x() as isize && y < vec.y() as isize { (Block::Mine == vec[(x as usize, y as usize)]) .select(1, 0) } else { 0 }; } } if mine_count != 0 { vec[x][y] = Block::Surround(mine_count); } } } }); let mine_count = field.iter().filter(|(_, b)| **b == Block::Mine).count(); // dbg!(mine_count); let mut uncovered: Vec2d = Vec2d::new_filled(*size_x, *size_y, false) .mutable_init(|v| { v[(click_x, click_y)] = true; }); let marked: Vec2d = Vec2d::new_filled(*size_x, *size_y, false); // game logic process_uncover(click_x, click_y, &mut uncovered, &marked, &field); display_to_monitor(monitor, &uncovered, &marked, &field, false); monitor.write_str( 1, monitor.y(), Direction::PosX, "uncover, click to switch mode", BORDER_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, ); monitor.write_str( 1, 1, Direction::PosX, &format!("mine:{} ", mine_count), BORDER_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, ); *game = GameState::Running(GameRunningState { size_x: *size_x, size_y: *size_y, field, uncovered, marked, selected_tool: Tool::Uncover, total_mines: mine_count, }) } GameState::Running(grs) => { let (click_x, click_y) = if let Some(Event::MonitorTouch { side: MONITOR_SIDE, x, y, }) = port.pull_event().await? { if x >= 2 && y >= 2 && x - 2 < grs.size_x as u16 && y - 2 < grs.size_y as u16 { (x - 2, y - 2) } else { if y as usize == monitor.y() { grs.selected_tool.switch(); match grs.selected_tool { Tool::Mark => monitor.write_str( 1, monitor.y(), Direction::PosX, "mark, click to switch mode ", BORDER_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, ), Tool::Uncover => monitor.write_str( 1, monitor.y(), Direction::PosX, "uncover, click to switch mode ", BORDER_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, ), Tool::SafeMark => monitor.write_str( 1, monitor.y(), Direction::PosX, "safe mark, click to switch mode ", BORDER_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, ), } } break 'm; } } else { break 'm; }; let (click_x, click_y) = (click_x as usize, click_y as usize); let failed = running(grs, click_x, click_y); // dbg!(failed); let mine_count = { let marked = grs.marked.iter().filter(|(_, b)| **b).count() as isize; grs.total_mines as isize - marked }; monitor.write_str( 1, 1, Direction::PosX, &format!("mine:{} ", mine_count), BORDER_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, ); display_to_monitor(monitor, &grs.uncovered, &grs.marked, &grs.field, false); if failed { let grs = game.take_grs().unwrap(); *game = GameState::Failed(grs); break 'm; } else { let unknown = grs.uncovered.iter().filter(|(_, u)| !**u).count(); if unknown == grs.total_mines { let grs = game.take_grs().unwrap(); *game = GameState::Successed(grs); } } } GameState::Failed(grs) => { for x in 1..=monitor.x() { monitor.write(x, 1, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR_FAIL)); monitor.write( x, monitor.y(), AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR_FAIL), ); } for y in 1..=monitor.y() { monitor.write(1, y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR_FAIL)); monitor.write( monitor.x(), y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR_FAIL), ); } monitor.write_str( 1, 1, Direction::PosX, "Failed!!!!", BORDER_COLOR_FAIL, TEXT_COLOR, ); grs.field.iter_index().for_each(|pos| { let marked = grs.marked[pos]; // let uncovered = grs.uncovered[pos]; let block = grs.field[pos]; if block == Block::Mine && !marked { grs.uncovered[pos] = true; } }); display_to_monitor(monitor, &grs.uncovered, &grs.marked, &grs.field, true); if let Some(Event::MonitorTouch { .. }) = port.pull_event().await? { *game = GameState::StartUp; } } GameState::Successed(_grs) => { for x in 1..=monitor.x() { monitor.write(x, 1, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR_SUCCESS)); monitor.write( x, monitor.y(), AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR_SUCCESS), ); } for y in 1..=monitor.y() { monitor.write(1, y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR_SUCCESS)); monitor.write( monitor.x(), y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(BORDER_COLOR_SUCCESS), ); } monitor.write_str( 1, 1, Direction::PosX, "Success!!!!", BORDER_COLOR_SUCCESS, ColorId::Black, ); if let Some(Event::MonitorTouch { .. }) = port.pull_event().await? { *game = GameState::StartUp; } } } } Ok(()) } const MARKED: AsIfPixel = if let Some(p) = AsIfPixel::new('#', ColorId::Red, ColorId::White) { p } else { panic!() }; const WRONG_MARKED: AsIfPixel = if let Some(p) = AsIfPixel::new('#', ColorId::Black, ColorId::White) { p } else { panic!() }; const MINE: AsIfPixel = if let Some(p) = AsIfPixel::new(' ', ColorId::Red, ColorId::White) { p } else { panic!() }; const SURROUND_COLOR: ColorId = ColorId::Magenta; const SURROUND_COLOR_TEXT: ColorId = ColorId::White; const SAFE_COLOR: ColorId = ColorId::LightBlue; fn display_to_monitor( monitor: &mut LocalMonitor, uncovered: &Vec2d, marked: &Vec2d, field: &Vec2d, end: bool, ) { for (pos, uncovered) in uncovered.iter() { let (x, y) = pos; let (x, y) = (x + 2, y + 2); let marked = marked[pos]; let mine = field[pos]; if end { if marked && mine != Block::Mine { monitor.write(x, y, WRONG_MARKED); continue; } } if marked { monitor.write(x, y, MARKED); continue; } if !uncovered { monitor.write(x, y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(CLEAR_COLOR)); continue; } match mine { Block::Mine => monitor.write(x, y, MINE), Block::Safe => monitor.write(x, y, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(SAFE_COLOR)), Block::Surround(num) => monitor.write( x, y, AsIfPixel::new( char::from_digit(num as u32, 10).unwrap(), SURROUND_COLOR, SURROUND_COLOR_TEXT, ) .unwrap(), ), }; } } /// bool: hit mine fn process_uncover( x: usize, y: usize, uncovered: &mut Vec2d, marked: &Vec2d, field: &Vec2d, ) -> bool { let (size_x, size_y) = field.size(); let dxdy = [ (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), ]; // uncover all surround blocks let process = |x, y, uncovered: &mut Vec2d| { let mut block_to_visit = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = HashSet::new(); block_to_visit.push_back((x, y)); visited.insert((x, y)); while let Some((x, y)) = block_to_visit.pop_front() { uncovered[(x, y)] = true; // dbg!((x, y)); if field[(x, y)] != Block::Safe { continue; } for (dx, dy) in dxdy { let pos = { let (x1, y1) = (x as isize + dx, y as isize + dy); if (0..size_x as isize).contains(&x1) && (0..size_y as isize).contains(&y1) { (x1 as usize, y1 as usize) } else { continue; } }; let block = field[pos]; let uncovered = uncovered[pos]; let marked = marked[pos]; if block != Block::Mine && !uncovered && !marked && !visited.contains(&pos) { block_to_visit.push_back(pos); visited.insert(pos); } } } // *uncovered = marked.clone(); }; if marked[(x, y)] { return false; } match field[(x, y)] { Block::Mine => true, Block::Safe => { process(x, y, uncovered); false } Block::Surround(_num) => { let mut remained = 8; for (dx, dy) in dxdy { let pos = { let (x1, y1) = (x as isize + dx, y as isize + dy); if (0..size_x as isize).contains(&x1) && (0..size_y as isize).contains(&y1) { } else { continue; }; (x1 as usize, y1 as usize) }; let uncovered = uncovered[pos]; let marked = marked[pos]; if marked || uncovered { remained -= 1; continue; } } if remained < 0 { return true; } process(x, y, uncovered); false } } } /// returns: failed fn running(game: &mut GameRunningState, click_x: usize, click_y: usize) -> bool { match game.selected_tool { Tool::Mark => mark(game, click_x, click_y), Tool::Uncover => process_uncover( click_x, click_y, &mut game.uncovered, &game.marked, &game.field, ), Tool::SafeMark => safe_mark(game, click_x, click_y), } } fn safe_mark(game: &mut GameRunningState, click_x: usize, click_y: usize) -> bool { if !game.uncovered[(click_x, click_y)] { false } else { mark(game, click_x, click_y) } } fn mark(game: &mut GameRunningState, click_x: usize, click_y: usize) -> bool { if !game.uncovered[(click_x, click_y)] { game.marked[(click_x, click_y)] = !game.marked[(click_x, click_y)]; return false; } let dxdy = [ (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), ]; let num = if let Block::Surround(num) = game.field[click_x][click_y] { num } else { return false; }; let mut mark_count = 0; let mut uncovered_count = 0; let mut vaild_block = 0; for (dx, dy) in dxdy { let pos = { let (x1, y1) = (click_x as isize + dx, click_y as isize + dy); if ( as isize).contains(&x1) && ( as isize).contains(&y1) { } else { continue; }; (x1 as usize, y1 as usize) }; if game.marked[pos] { mark_count += 1; } if game.uncovered[pos] { uncovered_count += 1; } vaild_block += 1; } let unknown_count = vaild_block - uncovered_count; if unknown_count == num { for (dx, dy) in dxdy { let pos = { let (x1, y1) = (click_x as isize + dx, click_y as isize + dy); if ( as isize).contains(&x1) && ( as isize).contains(&y1) { } else { continue; }; (x1 as usize, y1 as usize) }; if !game.uncovered[pos] { game.marked[pos] = true; } } } let mut failed = false; if mark_count == num { for (dx, dy) in dxdy { let pos = { let (x1, y1) = (click_x as isize + dx, click_y as isize + dy); if ( as isize).contains(&x1) && ( as isize).contains(&y1) { } else { continue; }; (x1 as usize, y1 as usize) }; if process_uncover(pos.0, pos.1, &mut game.uncovered, &game.marked, &game.field) { failed = true; } } } failed }