# Description
a crate which aims to control Computer Craft computers via websocket
# Usage
use [utils::save_lua_scripts](https://docs.rs/computercraft_websocket_control/latest/computercraft_websocket_control/utils/fn.save_lua_scripts.html) function can save the client side lua script to a specific file
unzip the file and place the contents to computer craft's computer's
script folder.
write rust code
run script on computer craft computer's terminal
# Example
more examples [here](https://github.com/wefcdse/websocket_control/tree/master/examples)
server side rust code
use computercraft_websocket_control::{
utils::{AsIfPixel, LocalMonitor},
ColorId, Errors, Ports, Side, ToErrorsResult,
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
&([127, 0, 0, 1], 14111).into(),
LocalMonitor::new(0, 0, AsIfPixel::colored_whitespace(ColorId::Orange)),
async fn tick(state: &mut LocalMonitor, mut ports: Ports<'_>, _dt: Duration) -> Result<(), Errors> {
let mut p1 = ports.get_port("p1").to_errors_result()?;
state.sync(Side::Top, &mut p1).await?;
let (size_x, size_y) = p1.monitor_get_size(Side::Top).await?.to_errors_result()?;
if state.size() != (size_x, size_y) {
let pixel = AsIfPixel::new(' ', ColorId::Lime, ColorId::Orange).unwrap();
state.resize(size_x, size_y, pixel);
let y = (size_y + 1) / 2;
for x in 1..size_x + 1 {
let c1 = ColorId::from_number_overflow(rand::random());
let c2 = ColorId::from_number_overflow(rand::random());
let text = char::from_u32(rand::random::() % 26 + 65).unwrap();
state.write(x, y, AsIfPixel::new(text, c1, c2).unwrap());
and run this on Computer Craft computer's shell:
ws_control p1 14111