extern crate criterion;

use ark_bls12_381::G1Projective;
use concordium_base::curve_arithmetic::{arkworks_instances::ArkGroup, Curve};
use criterion::Criterion;
use rand::*;

type G1 = ArkGroup<G1Projective>;

macro_rules! rand_m_of_length {
    ($length:expr, $rng:expr) => {{
        let mut m: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity($length);
        for _ in 0..$length {

fn bench_hash_to_curve(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let mut csprng = thread_rng();
    let msg = rand_m_of_length!(1000, csprng);
    c.bench_function("hash_to_g1", move |b| b.iter(|| G1::hash_to_group(&msg)));

// To run this benches do the following:
// - make bls12_381_g1hash pub in lib.rs
// - make hash_bytes_to_fq pub in bls12_381_g1hash.rs
// pub fn bench_hash_to_fq(c: &mut Criterion) {
//     let mut csprng = thread_rng();
//     let msg = rand_m_of_length!(1000, csprng);
//     let msg_clone = msg.clone();
//     c.bench_function("hash_to_fq {}", move |b| {
//         b.iter(|| hash_bytes_to_fq(&msg_clone))
//     });
// }

// criterion_group!(hash_to_fq, bench_hash_to_fq);
criterion_group!(hash_to_curve, bench_hash_to_curve);