#[macro_use] extern crate criterion; use ark_bls12_381::G1Projective; use concordium_base::curve_arithmetic::{arkworks_instances::ArkGroup, *}; use criterion::Criterion; use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::RistrettoPoint; use rand::*; use std::time::Duration; type G1 = ArkGroup<G1Projective>; pub fn bench_multiexp_bls(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut csprng = thread_rng(); let m = 3; let ns = (1..=m).map(|x| x * x); let mut gs = Vec::with_capacity(m * m); let mut es = Vec::with_capacity(m * m); for _ in 0..(m * m) { gs.push(G1::generate(&mut csprng)); es.push(G1::generate_scalar(&mut csprng)); } for i in ns { let gsc = gs[..i].to_vec(); let esc = es[..i].to_vec(); let mut group = c.benchmark_group(format!("Group({})", i)); group.bench_function(format!("{}: Baseline for BLS", module_path!()), move |b| { b.iter(|| { let mut a = G1::zero_point(); for (g, e) in gsc.iter().zip(esc.iter()) { a = a.plus_point(&g.mul_by_scalar(e)) } }) }); for w in 2..=8 { let gsc = gs[..i].to_vec(); let esc = es[..i].to_vec(); group.bench_function( &format!("{}: Multiexp for BLS (window = {w})", module_path!()), move |b| b.iter(|| GenericMultiExp::new(&gsc, w).multiexp(&esc)), ); } group.finish(); } } // Benchmarking multi-exponentiation over the Ristretto curve. Note that we have // two multiexp algorithms in our library: one that is tailor-made for the // Ristretto curve, and one generic algorithm for other curves (e.g., BLS). // The purpose of this benchmark is to measure the running time of the multiexp // algorithm for the Ristretto curve. pub fn bench_multiexp_ristretto(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut csprng = thread_rng(); let m = 3; let ns = (1..=m).map(|x| x * x); let mut gs: Vec<RistrettoPoint> = Vec::with_capacity(m * m); let mut es: Vec<<RistrettoPoint as Curve>::Scalar> = Vec::with_capacity(m * m); for _ in 0..(m * m) { gs.push(RistrettoPoint::generate(&mut csprng)); es.push(RistrettoPoint::generate_scalar(&mut csprng)); } for i in ns { let gsc = gs[..i].to_vec(); let esc = es[..i].to_vec(); let mut group = c.benchmark_group(format!("Group({})", i)); group.bench_function( format!("{}: Baseline for Ristretto", module_path!()), move |b| { b.iter(|| { let mut a = RistrettoPoint::zero_point(); for (g, e) in gsc.iter().zip(esc.iter()) { a = a.plus_point(&g.mul_by_scalar(e)) } }) }, ); let gsc = gs[..i].to_vec(); let esc = es[..i].to_vec(); group.bench_function( format!("{}: Multiexp for Ristretto", module_path!()), move |b| { b.iter(|| { // Create msm algorithm instance with a precomputed point table. // For the Ristretto curve it will use the RistrettoMultiExpNoPrecompute and // our generic implementation for the BLS curve. let msm = RistrettoPoint::new_multiexp(&gsc); msm.multiexp(&esc); }) }, ); group.finish(); } } criterion_group!( name = multiexp_benchmarks; config = Criterion::default().measurement_time(Duration::from_millis(10000)).sample_size(100); targets = bench_multiexp_bls, bench_multiexp_ristretto); criterion_main!(multiexp_benchmarks);