# confget - parse configuration files The `confget` library parses configuration files (currently INI-style files only) and allows a program to use the values defined in them. It provides various options for selecting the variable names and values to return and the configuration file sections to fetch them from. The `confget` library may also be used as a command-line tool with the same interface as the C implementation. ## Quick-and-easy parsing of INI-style files The `read_ini_file()` function will parse an INI-style file and return a hashmap of the values found in its various sections, as well as the name of the first section found in the file (or the one specified in the configuration if the `section_override` option is enabled). use confget; // Default configuration except for the filename. let config = confget::Config { filename: Some("/etc/config.ini".to_string()), ..confget::Config::default() }; let data, first_section = confget::read_ini_file(&config)?; For the crate's change history, see the [CHANGES](https://gitlab.com/confget/confget/-/blob/master/CHANGES) file in the source distribution. Author: Peter Pentchev <[roam@ringlet.net](mailto:roam@ringlet.net)>