use config_items::*; use log::*; use std::error::Error; use serde::Deserialize; use clap::{Arg, Command, ArgMatches}; fn make_args<'a>() -> Command<'a> { Command::new("tupacrs") .author("My Self ") .about("Abput my app") .arg(Arg::new("config") .short('c') .long("config-file") .takes_value(true) .help( "Select config filename. You can also define the pair of environment variables: MYAPP_CONF_DIR (defaults to '.') MYAPP_CONF_FILE (defaults to 'tupacrs.yaml') or (all in one) MYAPP_CONF_PATH (full path to config file)")) } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Config { name: String, network: Option, #[serde(default)] // use defaults if not present logging: Logging, } struct MyArgResolver<'a> { matches:&'a ArgMatches } impl<'a> CFGResolver for MyArgResolver<'a> { fn get_from_argument(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.matches.value_of("config") } } struct MyFixedResolver {} impl CFGResolver for MyFixedResolver { fn get_from_argument(&self) -> Option<&str> { Some("./examples/myapp.yaml") } } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // This is the recommended setup!!! // set_app_id("MYAPP"); // Without this call an attempt to deduce the id from the current executable name will be made let (app_id, app_yaml, app_log) = get_app_vars(); println!("app vars: id=[{app_id}], yaml=[{app_yaml}], log=[{app_log}]"); let (v_pp, v_c_path, v_c_dir, v_c_file) = get_env_vars(); println!("env vars: proxy_password=[{v_pp}], config: path=[{v_c_path}], path=[{v_c_dir}], path=[{v_c_file}]"); let matches = make_args().get_matches(); // let cfg_file = get_config_file_name(&DefaultResolver{}); let cfg_file = get_config_file_name(&MyArgResolver{matches:&matches}); // let cfg_file = get_config_file_name(&MyFixedResolver{}); println!("Using config file [{cfg_file}]"); let cfg:Config = read_config_from_yaml(&cfg_file)?; // println!("Config is [{cfg:#?}]"); println!("Using config [{}]",; if let Some(net) = { println!(" Got network settings: validate ssl:{}", net.skip_ssl_validation()); if let Some(proxy) = net.proxy { // println!(" Got proxy settings: {proxy:?}"); if let Some(user) = proxy.get_user() { println!(" Proxy user will be [{user}]") } if let Some(pass) = proxy.get_password() { println!(" Proxy password will be [{pass}]") } println!("Final proxy url will be [{}]", proxy.get_url()) } } println!("Logging with: {:?}", cfg.logging); cfg.logging.init()?; info!("This will be logged"); Ok(()) }