# A parser for configuration files. ## Syntax The syntax is similar to the config of nginx and pulseaudio. Here an example how an irc bot might be configured ``` # Connect to freenode server freenode { connect irc.freenode.net 6697 tls; nick BleghBot blegh "I am BleghBot owned by MyAdmin"; channel "#freenode"; channel "#secret" mypassword; user MyAdmin { allow all; } user ShittySpammer { deny all; } } ``` ## API The API is pretty simple: ```rust extern crate config_parser; let mut file = File::open("config.cfg").unwrap(); let cfg = config_parser::parse_file(file).unwrap(); for server in cfg.matches("server") { let s = Server::new(server.get(0)); for channel in server.matches("channel") { s.add_channel(channel.get(0), channel.get_opt(1)); } } ```