# `config_tools` ## Overview `config_tools` is a configuration management library designed for handling hierarchical configurations using sections and key-value pairs. It provides builders to customize and create `Config` objects, macros to simplify the creation of configuration files, and error handling for configuration loading and saving. `config_tools` is built on top of [rust-ini](https://github.com/zonyitoo/rust-ini) and focuses mostly on convenience. ## Structs ### `Config` #### Traits 1. `Debug` and `Default` 2. From [serde](https://serde.rs/derive.html): `Deserialize` and `Serialize` Represents the entire configuration, with support for both general (non-sectioned) values and sectioned values. - **Fields**: - `sections`: A `BTreeMap>` where each key is the section title, and the values are the key-value pairs for that section. - `general_values`: A `BTreeMap` that stores key-value pairs not tied to a specific section. - **Methods**: - `general(&self) -> &BTreeMap`: Returns a reference to the general section. - `get(section: Option<&str>, key: &str) -> Option<&String>`: Retrieves a value from a specific section or from the general section if no section is provided. - `get_as(&self, section: Option<&str>, key: &str) -> Option`: Retrieve a value from a specific section or from the general section if no section is provided, parsing said value into a given type `T` so long as the type implements `std::str::FromStr` and `std::fmt::Debug`. - `load(filename: &str) -> Result`: Loads a configuration from an `.ini` file. - `load_or_default Config>(filename: &str, default: F) -> Self`: Loads a configuration from an `.ini` file or creates one based on a given closure that takes no arguments. - `builder() -> ConfigBuilder`: Starts the creation of a new configuration with a builder. - `save(&self, filename: &str) -> Result<&Self, Error>`: Saves the current configuration to an `.ini` file. - `section(title: &str) -> Option<&BTreeMap>`: Retrieves a given section from the configuration or `None`. - `sections() -> &BTreeMap>`: Retrieves the section map of the configuration. - `update(&mut self, section: Option<&str>, key: &str, value: &str) -> &mut Self`: Updates or adds a key-value pair to a specific section or general configuration. ### `ConfigBuilder` A builder pattern for creating and customizing `Config` objects before finalizing them. - **Methods**: - `general() -> Self`: Specifies that the builder is targeting the general section (no specific section). - `section(title: &str) -> Self`: Specifies a section to set key-value pairs in. - `set(key: &str, value: &str) -> Self`: Sets a key-value pair in the current section or general section. - `build() -> Config`: Finalizes and returns the built `Config` object. --- ## Enums ### `Error` Defines the possible errors that can occur during the use of the crate. - **Variants**: - `AlreadyExists`: Returned when a key already exists in a configuration. - `NotFound`: Returned when a key is not found in the configuration. - `ConfigLoad(ini::Error)`: Error variant for failures during loading of `.ini` files. - `ConfigCreation(std::io::Error)`: Error variant for issues during the saving of `.ini` files. - `ConfigParse(String)`: Error variant for issues encountered during parsing of configuration values. - **Trait Implementation**: - `fmt::Display`: Custom error message formatting for each error variant. --- ## Macros ### `sectioned_defaults!` Generates a `Config` object with support for sections and default values. - **Syntax**: ```rust let mut config: Config = sectioned_defaults! { { "console" => "true" }, // General section ["Server"] { // Section with title "host" => "", "port" => "8080", }, ["Window"] { "width" => "720", "height" => "480", } }; ``` - **Notes**: - Supports variables for section names, keys, and values as long as they are strings. - General key-value pairs must be specified first if included. ### `general_defaults!` Generates a `Config` object with default values in a general section. - **Syntax**: ```rust let mut config: Config = general_defaults! { "console" => "true", "logging" => "true", }; ``` - **Notes**: - The keys and values must be strings. - This macro is focused on generating default configurations without specific sections. --- ## Procedural Macros ### `FromSection` This procedural macro derives an implementation of the `Section` trait for a struct, enabling automatic parsing from a `BTreeMap`. - **Syntax**: ```rust #[derive(FromSection)] struct ServerConfig { host: String, port: u16, } ``` - **Notes**: - The fields of the struct must implement `FromStr`, and the macro will automatically attempt to parse each field from the corresponding string value in the section. --- # Usage Examples ## Manually Creating a New Configuration ```rust use config_tools::Config; let config = Config::builder() .general() .set("logging", "true") .set("verbose", "false") .section("Database") .set("host", "localhost") .set("port", "5432") .build(); ``` ## Creating Configurations Using Macros ```rust use config_tools::{sectioned_defaults, general_defaults, Config}; // Using sectioned_defaults! macro let sectioned_config: Config = sectioned_defaults! { { "logging" => "true" }, // General section ["Server"] { "host" => "", "port" => "8080" } }; // Using general_defaults! macro let general_config: Config = general_defaults! { "console" => "true", "logging" => "true", }; ``` ## Parsing Sections into Structs with `FromSection` ```rust use config_tools::{Config, ServerConfig}; #[derive(FromSection)] struct ServerConfig { host: String, port: u16, } let config = Config::load("config.ini")?; let server_section = config.section("Server").unwrap(); let server_config = ServerConfig::from_section(server_section)?; println!("{:?}", server_config); ``` ## Updating a Configuration ```rust use config_tools::{sectioned_defaults, Config}; let mut config = sectioned_defaults! { { "logging" => "true", "verbose" => "false", } ["Database"] { "host" => "localhost", "port" => "5432", } } config.update(None, "verbose", "true"); config.update(Some("Database"), "port", "3306"); ``` ## Loading and Saving Configurations ```rust use config_tools::Config; fn main() -> Result<(), config_tools::Error> { // Load config from file let config = Config::load("config.ini")?; // Access a value if let Some(host) = config.get(Some("Database"), "host") { println!("Database host: {}", host); } // Save the config config.save("new_config.ini")?; Ok(()) } ``` --- ## Error Handling All configuration operations return `Result` types that include the custom `Error` enum, which provides more specific details about the nature of failures, such as file I/O errors or missing keys.