# Wrap struct to file configuration [](https://docs.rs/config_file_types) [](https://crates.io/crates/config_file_types) [](https://crates.io/crates/config_file_types) - hcl - json - toml - xml - yml ```rust use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use config_file_derives::ConfigFile; use config_file_types; #[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize, ConfigFile)] #[config_file_ext("toml")] pub struct MyTomlConfig { pub dependencies: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<String>>, #[serde(skip)] pub path: String, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize, ConfigFile)] #[config_file_ext("json")] pub struct MyJsonConfig { pub dependencies: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<String>>, #[serde(skip)] pub path: String, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize, ConfigFile)] #[config_file_ext("xml")] pub struct MyXmlConfig { pub dependencies: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<String>>, #[serde(skip)] pub path: String, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize, ConfigFile)] #[config_file_ext("yml")] pub struct MyYmlConfig { pub dependencies: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<String>>, #[serde(skip)] pub path: String, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize, ConfigFile)] #[config_file_ext("hcl")] pub struct MyHclConfig { pub dependencies: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<String>>, #[serde(skip)] pub path: String, } fn main() { // load from file or default let mut my_toml = MyTomlConfig::load("target/debug/test.toml", true).unwrap(); // update my_toml.dependencies.insert(String::from("a"), BTreeSet::from([String::from("b"), String::from("c")])); // serialize to string (pretty & output error) println!("{}\n", my_toml.dumps(true, false)); // serialize to file (pretty & output error) my_toml.dump(true, false); // load from file or panic println!("{:#?}\n\n", MyTomlConfig::load("target/debug/test.toml", false).unwrap()); // load from file or default let mut my_json = MyJsonConfig::load("target/debug/test.json", true).unwrap(); // update my_json.dependencies.insert(String::from("a"), BTreeSet::from([String::from("b"), String::from("c")])); // serialize to string (pretty & output error) println!("{}\n", my_toml.dumps(true, false)); // serialize to file (pretty & output error) my_json.dump(true, false); // load from file or panic println!("{:#?}\n\n", MyJsonConfig::load("target/debug/test.json", false).unwrap()); // load from file or default let mut my_xml = MyXmlConfig::load("target/debug/test.xml", true).unwrap(); // update my_xml.dependencies.insert(String::from("a"), BTreeSet::from([String::from("b"), String::from("c")])); // serialize to string (no indent & output error) println!("{}\n", my_xml.dumps(false, false)); // serialize to file (no indent & output error) my_xml.dump(false, false); // load from file or panic println!("{:#?}\n\n", MyXmlConfig::load("target/debug/test.xml", false).unwrap()); // load from file or default let mut my_yml = MyYmlConfig::load("target/debug/test.yml", true).unwrap(); // update my_yml.dependencies.insert(String::from("a"), BTreeSet::from([String::from("b"), String::from("c")])); // serialize to string (no indent & output error) println!("{}\n", my_yml.dumps(false, false)); // serialize to file (no indent & output error) my_yml.dump(false, false); // load from file or panic println!("{:#?}\n\n", MyYmlConfig::load("target/debug/test.yml", false).unwrap()); // load from file or default let mut my_hcl = MyHclConfig::load("target/debug/test.hcl", true).unwrap(); // update my_hcl.dependencies.insert(String::from("a"), BTreeSet::from([String::from("b"), String::from("c")])); // serialize to string (no indent & output error) println!("{}\n", my_hcl.dumps(false, false)); // serialize to file (no indent & output error) my_hcl.dump(false, false); // load from file or panic println!("{:#?}\n\n", MyHclConfig::load("target/debug/test.hcl", false).unwrap()); } ```