INFO [5000] Evaluating 'dependentFeature' for User '{"Identifier":"12345","Email":"","Country":"USA"}' Evaluating targeting rules and applying the first match if any: - IF Flag 'mainFeature' EQUALS 'target' ( Evaluating prerequisite flag 'mainFeature': Evaluating targeting rules and applying the first match if any: - IF User.Email ENDS WITH ANY OF [<1 hashed value>] => false, skipping the remaining AND conditions THEN 'private' => no match - IF User.Country IS ONE OF [<1 hashed value>] => true AND User IS NOT IN SEGMENT 'Beta Users' ( Evaluating segment 'Beta Users': - IF User.Email IS ONE OF [<2 hashed values>] => false, skipping the remaining AND conditions Segment evaluation result: User IS NOT IN SEGMENT. Condition (User IS NOT IN SEGMENT 'Beta Users') evaluates to true. ) => true AND User IS NOT IN SEGMENT 'Developers' ( Evaluating segment 'Developers': - IF User.Email IS ONE OF [<2 hashed values>] => false, skipping the remaining AND conditions Segment evaluation result: User IS NOT IN SEGMENT. Condition (User IS NOT IN SEGMENT 'Developers') evaluates to true. ) => true THEN 'target' => MATCH, applying rule Prerequisite flag evaluation result: 'target'. Condition (Flag 'mainFeature' EQUALS 'target') evaluates to true. ) THEN % options => MATCH, applying rule Evaluating % options based on the User.Identifier attribute: - Computing hash in the [0..99] range from User.Identifier => 78 (this value is sticky and consistent across all SDKs) - Hash value 78 selects % option 4 (25%), 'Horse'. Returning 'Horse'.