[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dan-t/rust-confsolve.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dan-t/rust-confsolve) [![](http://meritbadge.herokuapp.com/confsolve)](https://crates.io/crates/confsolve) confsolve ========= A command line tool for resolving file synchronization conflicts introduced by running Dropbox or Wuala. If you prefer a Haskell version: https://github.com/dan-t/confsolve. Installation ============ $ cargo install confsolve The build binary will be located at `~/.cargo/bin/confsolve`. Usage ===== Usage: confsolve wuala confsolve dropbox confsolve --help Options: -h, --help Show this message. Runtime Options =============== (T)ake File (NUM) => By pressing 't' and a number (e.g 't1'), the conflicting file with the number NUM is used as the new version. A copy of the current file and the other conflicting files is put into the trash directory '~/.cache/confsolve/trash'. (M)ove to Trash => By pressing 'm', all conflicting files are moved into the trash directory '~/.cache/confsolve/trash'. Show (D)iff (NUM) => By pressing 'd' and a number (e.g 'd1'), the difference between the current file and the conflicting file NUM is shown. If there's only one conflicting file, then only pressing 'd' is sufficient. By pressing 'd' and two numbers (e.g 'd1 2'), the difference between the two conflicting files is shown. The diff tool can be specified by the user by setting the environment variable 'CONFSOLVE_DIFF'. The default diff tool is 'gvimdiff -f'. (S)kip => By pressing 's', the current conflict is skipped and the next one is shown. (Q)uit => By pressing 'q', the application is quit. (H)elp => By pressing 'h', this help is printed.