types: definitions: default-package: com.palantir.conjure.error objects: ErrorCode: docs: | The broad category of a Conjure error. When an error is transmitted over HTTP, this determines the response's status code. values: - PERMISSION_DENIED - INVALID_ARGUMENT - NOT_FOUND - CONFLICT - REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE - FAILED_PRECONDITION - INTERNAL - TIMEOUT - CUSTOM_CLIENT - CUSTOM_SERVER SerializableError: docs: The JSON-serializable representation of an error. fields: errorCode: docs: | The broad category of the error. When transmitted over HTTP, this determines the response's status code. type: ErrorCode errorName: docs: | The error's name. The name is made up of a namespace and more specific error name, separated by a `:`. type: string errorInstanceId: docs: | A unique identifier for this error instance. This can be used to correlate reporting about the error as it transfers between components of a distributed system. type: uuid parameters: docs: Parameters providing more information about the error. type: map errors: PermissionDenied: docs: A generic `PERMISSION_DENIED` error. namespace: Default code: PERMISSION_DENIED InvalidArgument: docs: A generic `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error. namespace: Default code: INVALID_ARGUMENT NotFound: docs: A generic `NOT_FOUND` error. namespace: Default code: NOT_FOUND Conflict: docs: A generic `CONFLICT` error. namespace: Default code: CONFLICT RequestEntityTooLarge: docs: A generic `REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE` error. namespace: Default code: REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE FailedPrecondition: docs: A generic `FAILED_PRECONDITION` error. namespace: Default code: FAILED_PRECONDITION Internal: docs: A generic `INTERNAL` error. namespace: Default code: INTERNAL Timeout: docs: A generic `TIMEOUT` error. namespace: Default code: TIMEOUT