use conrod_example_shared::{WIN_H, WIN_W}; use conrod_rendy::{SimpleUiAux, UiPipeline, UiTexture}; use image; use rendy::{ command::{Families, QueueId, QueueType}, factory::{self, Factory}, graph::{ present::PresentNode, render::{RenderGroupBuilder, SimpleGraphicsPipeline}, Graph, GraphBuilder, }, hal::{ command::{ClearColor, ClearValue}, image::Kind, Backend, }, init::{ winit::{ self, event::{Event, WindowEvent}, event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop}, window::{Window, WindowBuilder}, }, AnyWindowedRendy, }, wsi::Surface, }; use std::path::Path; const CLEAR_COLOR: [f32; 4] = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0]; // A wrapper around the winit window that allows us to implement the trait necessary for enabling // the winit <-> conrod conversion functions. struct WindowRef<'a>(&'a Window); // Implement the `WinitWindow` trait for `WindowRef` to allow for generating compatible conversion // functions. impl<'a> conrod_winit::WinitWindow for WindowRef<'a> { fn get_inner_size(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> { Some(winit::window::Window::inner_size(&self.0).into()) } fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> f32 { winit::window::Window::hidpi_factor(&self.0) as _ } } // Generate the winit <-> conrod_core type conversion fns. conrod_winit::v020_conversion_fns!(); fn main() { // Create the window manager let event_loop = EventLoop::new(); let window_builder = WindowBuilder::new() .with_inner_size((WIN_W, WIN_H).into()) .with_title("Conrod with Rendy and winit"); // Create Ui and Ids of widgets to instantiate let mut ui = conrod_core::UiBuilder::new([WIN_W as f64, WIN_H as f64]) .theme(conrod_example_shared::theme()) .build(); let ids = conrod_example_shared::Ids::new(ui.widget_id_generator()); // Load font from file let assets = find_folder::Search::KidsThenParents(3, 5) .for_folder("assets") .unwrap(); let font_path = assets.join("fonts/NotoSans/NotoSans-Regular.ttf"); ui.fonts.insert_from_file(font_path).unwrap(); // We'll load the Rust logo from our assets folder to use as an example image. let logo_path = assets.join("images/rust.png"); let config: factory::Config = Default::default(); let rendy = AnyWindowedRendy::init_auto(&config, window_builder, &event_loop).unwrap(); rendy::with_any_windowed_rendy!((rendy) (mut factory, mut families, surface, window) => { let family_id = families .find(|f| match f.capability() { QueueType::General | QueueType::Graphics => true, _ => false, }) .expect("no queue to load image"); let family =; let queue_id = family.queue(0).id(); let image = ui_texture_from_path(&logo_path, &mut factory, queue_id).unwrap(); let mut image_map = conrod_core::image::Map::new(); let rust_logo = image_map.insert(image); let app = conrod_example_shared::DemoApp::new(rust_logo); let dpi_factor = window.hidpi_factor(); let aux = SimpleUiAux { ui, image_map, dpi_factor }; let size = window.inner_size().to_physical(dpi_factor); let win_size = [size.width as u32, size.height as u32]; let graph = create_graph(win_size, &mut factory, &mut families, surface, &aux); run(event_loop, aux, ids, app, factory, families, window, Some(graph)); } ); } pub fn run( event_loop: EventLoop<()>, mut aux: SimpleUiAux, ids: conrod_example_shared::Ids, mut app: conrod_example_shared::DemoApp, mut factory: Factory, mut families: Families, window: Window, mut graph: Option>>, ) { |event, _, control_flow| { if let Some(event) = convert_event(event.clone(), &window) { aux.ui.handle_event(event); } // Update widgets if any event has happened if aux.ui.global_input().events().next().is_some() { let mut ui = aux.ui.set_widgets(); conrod_example_shared::gui(&mut ui, &ids, &mut app); } match event { Event::EventsCleared => { factory.maintain(&mut families); if let Some(graph) = graph.as_mut() { factory, &mut families, &aux); } } Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event { WindowEvent::CloseRequested | WindowEvent::Destroyed => { *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit } WindowEvent::Resized(size) => { let size = size.to_physical(window.hidpi_factor()); let win_size = [size.width as u32, size.height as u32]; recreate_graph( win_size, &mut factory, &mut families, &window, &aux, &mut graph, ); } WindowEvent::HiDpiFactorChanged(dpi_factor) => { aux.dpi_factor = dpi_factor; let size = window.inner_size().to_physical(dpi_factor); let win_size = [size.width as u32, size.height as u32]; recreate_graph( win_size, &mut factory, &mut families, &window, &aux, &mut graph, ); } _ => (), }, _ => (), } if *control_flow == ControlFlow::Exit { if let Some(graph) = graph.take() { graph.dispose(&mut factory, &aux); } } }); } fn create_graph( [win_w, win_h]: [u32; 2], factory: &mut Factory, families: &mut Families, surface: Surface, aux: &SimpleUiAux, ) -> Graph> where B: Backend, { let mut graph_builder = GraphBuilder::<_, SimpleUiAux<_>>::new(); // Create the target, color image. let kind = Kind::D2(win_w, win_h, 1, 1); let levels = 1; let format = factory.get_surface_format(&surface); let clear = Some(ClearValue { color: ClearColor { float32: CLEAR_COLOR, }, }); let color = graph_builder.create_image(kind, levels, format, clear); // Create the UI graphics pipeline node. let pass = graph_builder.add_node( UiPipeline::builder() .into_subpass() .with_color(color) .into_pass(), ); // The pass for presenting the colour image to the surface. graph_builder.add_node(PresentNode::builder(factory, surface, color).with_dependency(pass)); graph_builder .build(factory, families, &aux) .expect("failed to build the graph") } fn recreate_graph( win_size: [u32; 2], factory: &mut Factory, families: &mut Families, window: &Window, aux: &SimpleUiAux, graph: &mut Option>>, ) where B: Backend, { if let Some(graph) = graph.take() { graph.dispose(factory, aux); } let surface = factory .create_surface(window) .expect("failed to create surface"); *graph = Some(create_graph(win_size, factory, families, surface, aux)); } fn ui_texture_from_path( path: &Path, factory: &mut Factory, queue_id: QueueId, ) -> Result, image::ImageError> where B: Backend, { let image = image::open(path)?.to_rgba(); let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); let dimensions = [width, height]; let texture = UiTexture::from_rgba_bytes(&image, dimensions, factory, queue_id) .expect("failed to create `UiTexture`"); Ok(texture) }