# console-codes-rs Some enums for rendering escape sequences as documented in [console\_codes(4)][1]. The main enum CSI implements Display so that it can easily be converted to a String. [1]: https://man.archlinux.org/man/console_codes.4 ## Example Use the `Erase Display` code to clear the screen, the `CUrsor Position` code to move the cursor to the top left corner, then a `Set Graphics Rendition` sequence with three attributes to set the colors to blinking blue text on deep sky blue background and print _Hello, world!_: use console_codes::{CSI, SGR}; fn main() { print!("{}", CSI::ED(2)); print!("{}", CSI::CUP(1, 1)); print!("{}", CSI::SGR(&[SGR::Blink, SGR::FG24(0, 0, 255), SGR::BG24(0, 191, 255)])); print!("{}", "Hello, world!"); print!("{}", CSI::SGR(&[SGR::Reset])); println!(); }