use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt, future::Future, thread}; use console_api::{ field::Value, instrument::{instrument_client::InstrumentClient, InstrumentRequest}, }; use console_subscriber::ServerParts; use futures::stream::StreamExt; use tokio::{io::DuplexStream, task}; use tonic::transport::{Channel, Endpoint, Server, Uri}; use tower::service_fn; use super::state::{TestState, TestStep}; use super::task::{ActualTask, ExpectedTask, TaskValidationFailure}; pub(crate) const MAIN_TASK_NAME: &str = "console-test::main"; const END_SIGNAL_TASK_NAME: &str = "console-test::signal"; #[derive(Debug)] struct TestFailure { failures: Vec, } impl fmt::Display for TestFailure { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "Task validation failed:")?; for failure in &self.failures { writeln!(f, " - {failure}")?; } Ok(()) } } /// Runs the test /// /// This function runs the whole test. It sets up a `console-subscriber` layer /// together with the gRPC server and connects a client to it. The subscriber /// is then used to record traces as the provided future is driven to /// completion on a current thread tokio runtime. /// /// This function will panic if the expectations on any of the expected tasks /// are not met or if matching tasks are not recorded for all expected tasks. #[track_caller] pub(super) fn run_test(expected_tasks: Vec, future: Fut) where Fut: Future + Send + 'static, Fut::Output: Send + 'static, { use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*; let (client_stream, server_stream) = tokio::io::duplex(1024); let (console_layer, server) = console_subscriber::ConsoleLayer::builder().build(); let registry = tracing_subscriber::registry().with(console_layer); let mut test_state = TestState::new(); let mut test_state_test = test_state.clone(); let thread_name = { // Include the name of the test thread in the spawned subscriber thread, // to make it clearer which test it belongs to. let current_thread = thread::current(); let test =""); format!("{test}-console::subscriber") }; let join_handle = thread::Builder::new() .name(thread_name) // Run the test's console server and client tasks in a separate thread // from the main test, ensuring that any `tracing` emitted by the // console worker and the client are not collected by the subscriber // under test. .spawn(move || { let _subscriber_guard = tracing::subscriber::set_default(tracing_core::subscriber::NoSubscriber::default()); let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_io() .enable_time() .build() .expect("console-test error: failed to initialize console subscriber runtime"); runtime.block_on(async move { task::Builder::new() .name("console::serve") .spawn(console_server(server, server_stream, test_state.clone())) .expect("console-test error: could not spawn 'console-server' task"); let actual_tasks = task::Builder::new() .name("console::client") .spawn(console_client(client_stream, test_state.clone())) .expect("console-test error: could not spawn 'console-client' task") .await .expect("console-test error: failed to await 'console-client' task"); test_state.advance_to_step(TestStep::UpdatesRecorded); actual_tasks }) }) .expect("console-test error: console subscriber could not spawn thread"); tracing::subscriber::with_default(registry, || { let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .build() .unwrap(); runtime.block_on(async move { test_state_test .wait_for_step(TestStep::ClientConnected) .await; // Run the future that we are testing. _ = task::Builder::new() .name(MAIN_TASK_NAME) .spawn(future) .expect("console-test error: couldn't spawn test task") .await; _ = task::Builder::new() .name(END_SIGNAL_TASK_NAME) .spawn(futures::future::ready(())) .expect("console-test error: couldn't spawn end signal task") .await; test_state_test.advance_to_step(TestStep::TestFinished); test_state_test .wait_for_step(TestStep::UpdatesRecorded) .await; }); }); let actual_tasks = join_handle .join() .expect("console-test error: failed to join 'console-subscriber' thread"); if let Err(test_failure) = validate_expected_tasks(expected_tasks, actual_tasks) { panic!("Test failed: {test_failure}") } } /// Starts the console server. /// /// The server will start serving over its side of the duplex stream. /// /// Once the server gets spawned into its task, the test state is advanced /// to the `ServerStarted` step. This function will then wait until the test /// state reaches the `UpdatesRecorded` step (indicating that all validation of the /// received updates has been completed) before dropping the aggregator. /// /// # Test State /// /// 1. Advances to: `ServerStarted` /// 2. Waits for: `UpdatesRecorded` async fn console_server( server: console_subscriber::Server, server_stream: DuplexStream, mut test_state: TestState, ) { let ServerParts { instrument_server: service, aggregator, .. } = server.into_parts(); let aggregate = task::Builder::new() .name("console::aggregate") .spawn( .expect("console-test error: couldn't spawn aggregator"); Server::builder() .add_service(service) // .serve_with_incoming(futures::stream::once(Ok::<_, std::io::Error>(server_stream))) .serve_with_incoming(futures::stream::iter(vec![Ok::<_, std::io::Error>( server_stream, )])) .await .expect("console-test error: couldn't start instrument server."); test_state.advance_to_step(TestStep::ServerStarted); test_state.wait_for_step(TestStep::UpdatesRecorded).await; aggregate.abort(); } /// Starts the console client and validates the expected tasks. /// /// First we wait until the server has started (test step `ServerStarted`), then /// the client is connected to its half of the duplex stream and we start recording /// the actual tasks. /// /// Once recording finishes (see [`record_actual_tasks()`] for details on the test /// state condition), the actual tasks returned. /// /// # Test State /// /// 1. Waits for: `ServerStarted` /// 2. Advances to: `ClientConnected` async fn console_client(client_stream: DuplexStream, mut test_state: TestState) -> Vec { test_state.wait_for_step(TestStep::ServerStarted).await; let mut client_stream = Some(client_stream); // Note: we won't actually try to connect to this port on localhost, // because we will call `connect_with_connector` with a service that // just returns the `DuplexStream`, instead of making an actual // network connection. let endpoint = Endpoint::try_from("http://[::]:6669").expect("Could not create endpoint"); let channel = endpoint .connect_with_connector(service_fn(move |_: Uri| { let client = client_stream.take(); async move { // We need to return a Result from this async block, which is // why we don't unwrap the `client` here. client.ok_or_else(|| { std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "console-test error: client already taken. This shouldn't happen.", ) }) } })) .await .expect("console-test client error: couldn't create client"); test_state.advance_to_step(TestStep::ClientConnected); record_actual_tasks(channel, test_state).await } /// Records the actual tasks which are received by the client channel. /// /// Updates will be received until the test state reaches the `TestFinished` step /// (indicating that the test itself has finished running), at which point we wait /// for a final update before returning all the actual tasks which were recorded. /// /// # Test State /// /// 1. Waits for: `TestFinished` async fn record_actual_tasks( client_channel: Channel, mut test_state: TestState, ) -> Vec { let mut client = InstrumentClient::new(client_channel); let mut stream = match client .watch_updates(tonic::Request::new(InstrumentRequest {})) .await { Ok(stream) => stream.into_inner(), Err(err) => panic!("console-test error: client cannot connect to watch updates: {err}"), }; let mut tasks = HashMap::new(); // The console-subscriber aggregator is a bit of an unknown entity for us, // especially with respect to its update loops. We can't guarantee that // it will have seen all the tasks in our test N iterations after the test // ends for some known N. For this reason we need to use a signal task to // check for and end the collection of events at that point. let signal_task = ExpectedTask::default().match_name(END_SIGNAL_TASK_NAME.into()); let mut signal_task_read = false; while let Some(update) = { let update = update.expect("console-test error: update stream error"); if let Some(task_update) = &update.task_update { for new_task in &task_update.new_tasks { let mut actual_task = match { Some(id) => ActualTask::new(, None => continue, }; for field in &new_task.fields { match { Some(console_api::field::Name::StrName(name)) if name == "" => { = match field.value.as_ref() { Some(Value::DebugVal(value)) => Some(value.clone()), Some(Value::StrVal(value)) => Some(value.clone()), _ => continue, }; } _ => {} } } if signal_task.matches_actual_task(&actual_task) { signal_task_read = true; } else { tasks.insert(, actual_task); } } for (id, stats) in &task_update.stats_update { if let Some(task) = tasks.get_mut(id) { task.update_from_stats(stats); } } } if test_state.is_step(TestStep::TestFinished) && signal_task_read { // Once the test finishes running and we've read the signal task, the test ends. break; } } tasks.into_values().collect() } /// Validate the expected tasks against the actual tasks. /// /// Each expected task is checked in turn. /// /// A matching actual task is searched for. If one is found it, the /// expected task is validated against the actual task. /// /// Any validation errors result in failure. If no matches fn validate_expected_tasks( expected_tasks: Vec, actual_tasks: Vec, ) -> Result<(), TestFailure> { let failures: Vec<_> = expected_tasks .iter() .map(|expected| validate_expected_task(expected, &actual_tasks)) .filter_map(Result::err) .collect(); if failures.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { Err(TestFailure { failures }) } } #[allow(clippy::result_large_err)] fn validate_expected_task( expected: &ExpectedTask, actual_tasks: &Vec, ) -> Result<(), TaskValidationFailure> { for actual in actual_tasks { if expected.matches_actual_task(actual) { // We only match a single task. // FIXME(hds): We should probably create an error or a warning if multiple tasks match. return expected.validate_actual_task(actual); } } expected.no_match_error() }